Chocolate Chip Pancakes

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<<Aizawa P.O.V.>>

The following morning was cold and and grey, snow lingered on rooftops and the sky was a bland shade of grey. I could see a few people walking their mutts down the block bringing snow with them every step.

I remembered yesterday the more I woke up, and I remembered that Yamada had slept over. I looked over and saw him nuzzled into my chest with his mouth just a little bit opened; he was faintly snoring. It made me happy to feel his warm arms around me, hearing his gentle breathing...sometimes he would groan and wiggle himself closer to me, I guess I'm a warm person. Seeing how peaceful he looked, I snuck a picture of him and wrote down the details of the cold and damp outside along with how cute my sleeping bird-brained friend looked. My clock said it was 6:30 in the morning, and I was still sleepy, so I fell right back asleep.

~Time Skip~
I slept like a rock once again, but this time when I woke up, Hizashi wasn't nuzzled up next to me. I thought it would be best if I got up by now, so I did. I  put on a shirt and made my way to the kitchen, and to my surprise, I saw Yamada swinging back and forth while making pancakes. In all my life, waking up and seeing Hizashi cooking for me was the last thing I'd expect to see.

I admired the blonde's moves and voice until I decided to ruin the peace.
"Nice moves, Shakira."
The second those words escaped my lips, the new Shakira spun around with the reddest face I could ever imagine. He looked like a deer stuck in the headlights: wide-eyes, mouth slightly parted, searching for words to make a sentence to explain himself, but to no avail.

"I-I, uhm, I can explai-"
"If there aren't chocolate chips in these pancakes I will drop kick your tall ass off the roof."
"Lucky me! There are chips in here!"

Hizashi's expression immediately turned from Shock and embarrassment to pleasure and joy with just one sentence. I sat on my phone at my small kitchen table, writing the things my friend/crush was doing to my heartstrings. "These'll be great writing references" I thought. Shortly after, Hizashi came back with two plates of pancakes like an old housewife from the 40s.

He sat down across from me, his cooking was okay, but he seemed very pleased with himself. Sitting in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, Hizashi broke the silence.
"So, I went on your phone last night"
"Oh fuck me. How could I forget I gave him my password??"
"I didn't know you kept the heart emojis by my name!! What, do you looove meee?"
"Oh sweetie if only you knew"

"Funny joke, but you're my friend and nothing more."
He seemed oddly disappointed at that comment, but I couldn't figure out why. "Does he like me? I hope so..." My thoughts were interrupted by another thought.

"Wait, Yamada, were your parents okay with you staying over?"
"Oh, they aren't home, they went on a business trip a week ago. They won't be back for 2 more weeks, so we can hangout everyday all day!"
"Hearing your loud voice 24/7 with no escape? Sounds like paradise."
"Me too! Wanna come over to my house?"
"Uh, sure.."

I guess I'm spending all of break with Yamada, this is gonna be greaaaat.

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