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((A/N: (F/F) means favorite food in case y'all are new.))

The next few weeks where filled with so much to do, a lot had to do with training and royal duties. I've fully come to getting used to this though, and Izuku helps me navigate and read; which is amazing that they let someone else help in the first place. On this particular morning I was woken up by a depressed sounding Izuku "good morning (Y/N)..." He said as he got me dressed like usual after waking me up.

"You sound sad, tell me why." I stated as he braided my hair.

He seemed to space out because his response came a few minutes after I asked the question "nothing about me don't worry! It's just ... Your pack hates you now and they put a bounty on your head."

That startled me, and I felt shocked "but why? I did this for them to keep them safe... What made them hate me?" My body grew tense as I released my stress signal scent on accident.

Izuku being a beta couldn't tell, but he could sense my unease "someone killed Uraraka... And did it in your name sake. Either way, that doesn't change the bounty your home village put over you." I didn't know which part he was feeling guilty about, but I could tell from his tone that some part of this didn't settle well with him.

After processing this, my fox ears almost instantly dropped. I also felt tears coming out of my eyes as I cuffed my face with my hands "Izuku, cancel my entire schedule... please. Lock my doors and don't let anyone in, I order you as current queen." Izuku understood why I reacted this way, so he followed my order to the letter, making sure to lock the door on his way out.

I laid back down on my bed and screamed into my pillow for a good few minutes, taking my head out of it after I calmed myself down "I... Gave every piece of my life and freedom away for them... Just for this?! What should I do?" After a while of crying and reflecting, I fell asleep from crying too much.

((Time skip by my idiot self))

I woke to the sound of Mitsuki at the door trying to get me to unlock the doors, and she took advantage of the fact that I have amazing hearing - making sure to speak in a calm and mother like tone "Izuku told me what happened, let me in please - I even made your (F/F) to cheer you up."

Her tone sounded rather nice, and I knew I couldn't stay in my room forever - so I got up and followed her voice as I replied loudly for her "okay mom, you can come in!" I unlocked the door and she came inside and hugged me almost instantly.

"I'm sorry this happened (Y/N), I really am. We've upped your protection until we can get this solved. I agreed to being your cook for now since we don't know who's wanting all that money. You can cry all you want, but that won't exactly help you." Mitsuki sat me on my bed next to herself as she spoke in a worried tone.

I gave her a hug and nodded "I understand, thank you! It's just that I offered my life away to save them all... So why would they hate me? And who would kill Uraraka?"

Tears started to form again as Mitsuki used a tissue to dry my eyes "I know and the others know that. They hate you probably because you where the one that got a better life than all of them. Hush the crying now, stand tall and move forward. You're not only a royal queen now, but you're a mother to be with two amazingly protective and strong mates. Katsuki sent some warrior's to your village to set things right with them though, and even made sure the bounty wouldn't be valid in this kingdom."

I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders as I nodded in response "thank you, you're right! This isn't a reason to be sad. I'll pick up where I am now, and keep protecting them since that was my goal in the first place. Thank you Mom... So much."

I stood up as I heard Izuku coming in "feeling better (Y/N)? I figured getting her would make a world of difference so-" before he could finish that sentence, I ran up to him and hugged him close.

"You did amazing, thank you Izuku." I said with a genuine smile on my face "let's get ready and kick some royal buisness out of the way."

Just as I felt motivated to go, I heard another set of footsteps and then a pair of hands ripped me off Izuku, forcing me to hold onto them "(Y/N), why did you not ask for one of us when you heard the news?"

It was Shoto's voice "because I needed woman to woman bonding for this one, get your hands off me now!" I growled, but he just kept holding me.

Hearing a yelp come from Shoto, Mitsuki spoke like a true mother "don't touch my daughter in law without her consent you little over edge lord pussy!"

She didn't give a fuck that Shoto was above us in rank, she just went at it and Shoto became overwhelmed by her mom energy "okay okay I understand, but she still has to come to us eventually. Besides, Katsuki and I planned something to make her feel better - so come with me after Izuku gets you ready (Y/N). That's a king's order. I'm going to sit here until you're ready to go." He didn't leave the room, only sitting down and waiting for me to get ready. I gave a sigh and just went with it since the others didn't deserve to get the receiving end of an angry alpha. Mitsuki left to go deal with her own problems while Izuku got me all dressed for Shoto - even taking his taste into account by which type of dress ((A/N:or suit)) he would put on me.


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