My Fair Lady

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*-(Y/N) POV-*

Once Uraraka and Momo both got together near me, I noticed the others where curious and sitting around us because it went dead silent - and I heard their footsteps coming near us. I spent the next hour explaining what was going on with the elders, and all about what was going to happen.

"And you're SURE this was the elders speaking? No offense but... You're blind. It could be a prank..." She was clearly trying to deny what this meant.

"I'm blind not stupid, I can easily distinguish voices. Our kind is done for if we don't do this, but all we can do is guess which one of us it'll be. Uraraka is smart and pretty, but outspoken and very... Bubbly. So we know a vicious king won't want her." Uraraka sighed in relief as I spoke.

"What about you? You're blind, so you're pretty useless for all the Omega jobs that require sight. Raising pups takes sight..." She shivered. She knew this meant she would get chosen.

"You're pretty, smart, very mature, and all that. But chances are he won't like the smart part because you'll outwit him. I'm blind not stupid, but um... I'm not very well versed in reading and stuff. Plus it'd be harder for me to escape, and the king would more than likely have his servants help me raise pups if we had any. I'm not saying either one of you wont he picked, but I have a shot. I don't want you two miserable if I can help it... The elders taught me better than to put myself before the pack." I stated, they both where blind sided by this whole thing. Even I though I lacked sight, I could feel them shaking in their shoes because I was too. I was also tired of everyone treating me like a child just because I can't see.

"What's the plan then?" Uraraka said in a concerned tone as she and Momo both held my hands.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

Uraraka spoke in return "We can run awa-"

Another kid interjected his voice "you three can't run! This is for our pack. Besides, they could track you three easily." Tokoyami spoke, which is rare since we've never really heard him put his opinion forth in anything.

"We can hide! There's heat surpressants, scent blockers,..." She was ranting at this point, mainly out of worry.

I rubbed her shoulder "but that's not living. Not to mention, how the hell will we ever be happy like that? Run whenever someone sees we're omegas?"

"True... Let's go along with it. Whoever gets chosen... Let's make a promise. We won't forget each other, and we do this for our pack's sake. We'll see each other whenever we can!" Momo said as all three of us put our hands together and made a hoorah noise to signal we all agreed. The others where worried, but deep down... This was going to work. One way or another. Little did I know, that would also be the last quality time we spend together for a while.

An elder walked in with a healer as I laid down, prepared for whatever came next "it's Aizawa Shouta, the main leader of the pack. Then again, you can tell because of my scent. Listen up (Y/N), just relax and let the healer do his damn job."

He was unaware that we knew what was happening, I just stayed relaxed and calm as I felt a warm aura go around my body - causing me to fall asleep.

*-Momo's POV-*

'I CAN'T LET THEM TAKE ANYONE! what can I do?' that was my main thought as I saw (Y/N) being put to sleep from the magic that would heal her from her illness. She's blind, maybe she was wrong and the king won't want a 'broken toy', and I can't see anyone wanting Uraraka. I kept thinking of ideas on how to make him look at me instead of them. I was getting myself worked up at this point, which would only end up bad for me since I know I can't do anything about this.

"If you can heal her cold, why not her sight?" I asked the healer.

"Oh because in order to heal, I need to take that which ales them. Sicknesses can be passed, blindness can't." She replied. She was rather short, and smiling as she kept healing (Y/N).

"Oh... Well I'm off to sleep myself. We have a long day ahead of us, and they also put a curfew on us omegas so we can look good tomorrow." I cringed and so did Uraraka. We all went to sleep, and eventually drowned out the noises coming from the other pack members outside.

The others came in and eventually fell asleep as well, and the elders had to stay up late to discuss what was going to take place.

*-Aizawa's POV-*

((A/N: while the rest of them are asleep))

We all gathered together and started to talk, which eventually got loud and chaotic like usual. I interjected and said loudly "so about tomorrow. I really don't want any of them to leave as you know."

My birth mother replied "how can we let this happen?!"

"They're our children too..." Nemuri stated.

I gave a quick response "I don't WANT to do this, but we can't win any wars waged against us and we know it."

"Who will it be then?" Nezu stated in response.

I thought for a moment "probably (Y/N)."

Nemuri replied "how do you know? He won't want a blind mate!"

"Yes, but she's also the most mature out of all of us. If anything, she'll offer herself up in whoever gets selected's place." I retorted.

They all agreed with me, and that's when we all started to discuss what kind of welcoming ceremony we would hold for him 'We need to make sure this goes right for our sake... Whatever the cost.' I thought to myself as we all discussed for a little while, which lead us all to go to our dens and go to sleep.


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