"Fathoms Below."/Opening"

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It is a beautiful day at sea. The birds are flying, the dolphins and the like are swimming, and a huge ship, one of those made for the celebrities, with its crew singing comes sailing through the ocean, and they sing were singing a song.

Sailors: (Singing)
🎶I'll tell you a tale of a love made for two.🎶

On top of the deck nearby, was a small, blue troll who was enjoying himself and having the time of his life, as he gives a small smile and let's the wind blow into his face. The blue troll had dark blue hair, blue skin, wore a leaf vest and brown pants. His name is Branch, Prince Branch to be exact..and he was a young prince and right next to him was a big pink dog (at least, at his size) named Courage, and he barks happily as he lets the wind blow in his face as well.

Branch: "Ah, isn't this great? The salty sea air, the wind in your face...a perfect day to be out at sea, isn't it?"

The Blue troll had a smile on his face as he looks over the ocean and standing right by Branch was a tall, green frog carrying a banjo looks over the ocean as he catches flys with his tongue, but also felt slightly sea sick..even though he was enjoying himself too, a few other sailors and members of the crew were having fun and looking over the ocean as well.

Kermit: "O-Oh, ah..yes, It's...just...perfect."

Flik: "Oh Boy! Wow, What a nice strong wind we have. King Peppy must be in a good mood."

Branch: "King Peppy?"

Bloo: "You mean, King Peppy of the Round Table Court?"

Flik: "No, We meant King Peppy of Trolllanta!"

Heimlich: "Don't tell me you've never heard of King Peppy! He's only the ruler of Trolllanta where immortals and magical creatures live! I-I heard that he's a very powerful troll, a powerful rule of the entire ocean!"

Kermit: "Branch, my good man, don't believe in such sailor nonsense and fairy tales."

Cuphead: "B-But, it isn't nonsense! It's real! They all live in a magic relam! I KNOW IT! Even my bro Mugs does, our Elder Kettle used to tell me and Mugs many of stories of Trolllanta when we were kids, just cute little cups! Ain't that right, Mugs?"

Mugman: "Y-Yup! He sure did, bro."

The two cup siblings smiled at each other, as mugman was shown holding and waving a fish around, as the fish then flops out of mugman's hands and then proceeded to slap Kermit in the face a few times before falling and swimming right into the water.

Sailors: (Singing) 🎶This is a fine ride. And soon, your worlds will colide!🎶

The fish dives underwater, then looks up at the ship. It sighs in relief, then swims to the wild. Other fish, mer-trolls, and mer-animals, mer-creatures are swimming, too. They're swimming towards what looks like a shiny golden sea castle called "The Trolllanta Palace." Inside is a concert, Everyone swim to their seats, and a fanfare plays, while the "part of that world." song melody is playing in the background, from a choir.

(Well, That Wraps Up Part 1 Of, 'The Little Mer Troll.' And I Hope You All Liked And Enjoyed This, Tune Into To Part Two. But Until Then, I'll See Ya Later Folks! Have A Great And Wonderful Day/Night, My Friend! = 3 ~ Jasmine 💙)

 But Until Then, I'll See Ya Later Folks! Have A Great And Wonderful Day/Night, My Friend! = 3 ~ Jasmine 💙)

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