Part 10: Snakes that Fly

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The huge group of Apprentices stared. What just happened?
Ladybug was gone?!

Lila angrily stomped her foot on the school roof. She muttered something under her breath, and wings appeared on her back. She swooped towards the swarm of Apprentices, landing angrily beside a surprised Felix.

"You idiot!" She yelled. "That was an illusion! Couldn't you tell?!" Felix stared at her.

"Well, why didn't YOU stop us, oh powerful Lila," Felix said rolling his eyes and pointing at her.

Lila stepped right next to him, glaring 10 cm away from his face. Her eyes turned purple and she scowled at him. Suddenly Felix gasped for air like he'd been swimming, and he fell backward onto the ground. Lila flicked her hair.

"Don't talk down to me." She said glaring at him. She spun around to face the army. "Alright. Back to your posts. Don't let those heroes trick you again." Then she was swept off the ground by her lilac wings and flew back to the school. 


Ladybug and Rena de-transformed in detention.

"Great! Now all the Apprentices in the school will chase your mirage." Mari smiled.

"Yeah, and that gives us enough time to escape!" Alya nodded.

They pulled back the curtain. Adrien and Nino stopped practicing their secret handshake and stood up seeing the girls. Nino began asking what they were talking about.

"No time. We gotta escape!" Alya said pointing at the hole Ladybug kicked out of the wall. It was big enough to climb through, and good thing they were on the ground floor. Nino looked confused. 

"What? How did you make that thing?" he gaped pointing at the hole. Adrien clapped slowly. 
"Come on, Nino. You know those two can do anything?" Adrien smiled. "But for real, how did you do it?? And, wait, IS THAT LADYBUG BEING CHASED BY ALL THE APPRENTICES?!" Adrien shouted.

"Uh...yeah! Rena Rouge showed up and made the hole. Don't worry, that is an illusion Ladybug. It's a trick to get us out of detention!" Mari said nervously doing finger guns.

"Whoa, cool!" Nino said. Alya giggled. 

"So let's go while they're distracted!" 

They arrived at Marinette's house, and all rushed in. They heard the bell ring and the students spilling out the front gate.

After catching their breath they went around the house putting covers over every window. Adrien had the idea after considering that she was bluenette. Like Ladybug.

Then Nino, Adrien, Alya and Marinette went to Mari's room and they all had lunch together. Adrien ate the croissants with the happiest smile on his face. 

"Bro, are you good?" Nino asked him. 

"Mmmm...oh, yeah I'm good. This''s amazing!" Adrien said swallowing a chunk of the perfectly made pie. Mari giggled and told him he's welcome. 

"But bro. You're eating it like you've never eaten in ages!" Nino said pointing at the pile of plates Adrien had emptied. Adrien looked at Nino with his face stuffed. Adrien swallowed.

 Adrien swallowed

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"Uh...well my dad gives me plenty of food. I have my own chef. I literally ask for a hundred pieces of cheese a fortnight!" he said buttering a bagel. Plagg and Tikki were sitting on Mari's bed loft above, sharing a cookie. Plagg snickered at what Adrien said. "But none of the delicacies I can order are as amazing as Marinette's baking!!" Adrien laughed. 

After a fun day of make-up, video games, and selfies, Mari set up bedding in the living room for Nino and Adrien. 
"If you're hungry guys, help yourself to the fridge." Mari smiled fluffing a pillow. 

"Thanks, Mari. I think we'll stay up a little longer." Adrien side smiled, nudging Nino.

"Yeah! We gotta work on our secre-" Nino started, but Adrien covered his mouth. The girls can't know until they got it perfect! That's what he thought. Alya laughed.

"We know about the handshake boys." she grinned. Alya kissed Nino on the cheek. "Night guys." 

Alya and Mari sat down in her room. 

"Today was fun. Scary, but fun." Alya grinned. 

"Alya? Are you sure you aren't mad?" Mari said looking at her bare feet.

"About what?" 

"Me being...Ladybug."

Alya leaned her head on Mari. 

"Well. I'm Rena Rouge. We both lied. But it was for the best. But now that the cat is outta the bag, we have each other's back more than ever. I would never be mad at you." Alya yawned. "Let's go to bed." 

An hour later Ayla was fast asleep on Marinette's couch bed. Mari watched Tikki tuck Trixx into her little tissue box bed, and Tikki falling asleep in a basket of scrap fabrics. Mari climbed out onto the balcony and looked at the moon. Leaning on the balcony, she sighed in the chilly air. 

Thoughts drifted through her mind under the inky purple masked sky. Then there was the sound of a thud behind her on the chimney. 

"Hey, Marinette." 

Marinette got a fright and turned to see a figure sitting comfortably on her chimney. A boy with huge lilac wings spread out behind him. He grinned with his blue eyes and blue hair. An Apprentice...


Hey, so this one was longer than normal. I hope you are enjoying the story! The reason I published part 10 quickly was because we hit 200 reads! I wanted to say thank you for pumping out the next few chapters fast. You can expect for soon. Now I would love to hear your thoughts, so please comment if you're enjoying it. Thank you!!

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