Chapter Eight: Amen

Start from the beginning

"Faith is defined as blind trust. Would you like to try something that would take lots of faith?"

"Sure. I'm good at exercises like this."

Gabriel asked, "Do you think you could help me up to that small window? I think I can slip out."

Azira nodded and said, "If you get on my shoulders you can."

Gabriel then got on Azira's shoulders. He cracked the small window open and squeezed through it.

"I'll come back for you Azira. Have faith in me."

Gabriel then took off running. He ran as fast as he could, which was only possible because of adrenaline. He ran out of the gated part of the town. He ran past the Dollar General. From there he didn't know where to go, but he did know the directions to where Anthony lived. He's always known. That's because someone was going to be sent to kill Anthony tomorrow.

Not if Gabriel could stop it today.


Azira felt cold and dizzy as he shivered on the floor. He was throwing up blood.

"Help me... Please. I'm so scared."

Tears ran down his pale cheeks. He felt like no one was coming. He couldn't loose his faith in Gabriel though. Not yet. He had to push harder. He was testing his limits.


Gabriel's father walked in the room to discover only Azira on the floor.

"Where is he?" Gabriel's father growled.

Azira responded, "He broke the window and climbed out. I don't know where he went."

Azira was then whipped. He cried out for help, but nobody would hear him.

Before the whipping ended he passed out in a pool of his own blood.


Gabriel pounded on the door of Anthony's house. "Let me in! Please!"

Beezy and Anthony were sitting together on the couch, playing Smash Bros on their Switches.

"Do you hear something?" Beezy asked.

Anthony responded, "I believe someone is knocking on the door."

He then got up and cracked the door open. "Gabriel?"

Gabriel asked, "Can I come in please? I need your help. I need to help you."

"Help me?"

"Someone is going to come kill you later."

Anthony looked over Gabriel and said, "Someone looked like they tried to kill you... I suppose you can come in."

Beezy said, "Don't look that bastard in."

Anthony opened the door and picked up Gabriel. He carried him inside and laid him down on the couch. Beezy gasped, "I think I'm going to call the police now."

Anthony nodded and said, "That's a bit obvious."

Gabriel asked, "Where are your parents?"

"At the store. Why?"

"Because at noon they're coming to kill you. Dad wants you dead."

Anthony said, "Nobody's going to kill me. Don't worry... You don't look very good."

Gabriel said, "I know that. I was whipped half to death."

Beezy leaned their head out of the kitchen and said, "The operator says the police are on their way. So is an ambulance."

Gabriel said, "Azira is still stuck. He's worse. So much worse."

Beezy walked in and said, "The operator wants to talk to Gabriel."

They handed the phone to Gabriel.

"Uh... Hello."

The operator asked, "Are you in immediate danger?"

Gabriel said, "I am. My father is sending men to kill my friend- uh a former member. I'll probably be killed too. A lot of stuff has happened. I'm scared."

The operator said, "There's help on the way."

Gabriel asked, "Will they help?"

"They will. That's what they're there for."

"Oh... I've never seen your people. This is the farthest I've ever been away from home besides to school."

"Would you mind explaining why that is?"

Gabriel said, "Because my father runs New Beginnings and the entire church lives on the same property. It's a very bad religion. I uh... I lost my faith. I don't feel very good about it."

"You'll have help with that. It's okay. You'll feel better... I believe the police are pulling in now. I can stay with you until they get inside if you'd like."

Gabriel said, "I believe I'll be alright. Um... Goodbye now."

He handed the phone to Beezy.

Soon the police were inside along with paramedics. Gabriel was put on a stretcher. Anthony and Beezy told their side of the story.



Dear friends, the end is here. My son Gabriel is trying to prevent us from reaching Heaven. He is a traitor. He's a sinner... I'll show you what happens to sinners."

Azira was then pushed into the room. He was bloodied, bruised and broken. People laughed, gasped, and pointed.

"It is not us for to decide if this sinner gets into Heaven. That is up to the Lord. Now, our entire town is on lock down. We are all safe, but we won't always be safe unless we are in Heaven. We will leave now. I'm sure we will be welcomed. The cups of honey are currently being passed out in numerical order. Drink as you receive, and be welcomed into God's loving arms."

Azira looked out over the crowd. People were laying on cots and in the floor. They were dying in front of him.

He didn't have the strength to push anymore. He just hoped he'd be welcomed into Heaven.

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