"Well I'm sure Mr. Jackson can tell you I've been treating him well. Isn't that right?" She eyed the man, her eyes screaming for him to vouch for her. Mr. Jackson was a fair skinned, 5'10 man with brown hair and eyes who often hit on Sadie. Her constant turning him down sometimes affected their relations but she'd recently learned how to play the middle- giving him enough false hope to keep these meetings easy.

"Oh yes! Ms. Winter treats me very, very well." He smiled and Sadie wanted to jump across the table and strangle him for insinuating something more had been happening. She could easily notice the shift in Kade as his body became more rigid and his expression hardened. Waves of dominate energy rolled off him and caused the mood to shift dramatically.

"Is that so?" His voice had a sharp edge and his gaze dared Mr. Jackson to repeat the statement.

"So Mr. Winchester, we've been experiencing an upwards incline in quarter three. We're already on a course to triple our outtakes from last quarter. Did you want to know about any of the new measures we've implemented?" Sadie hurriedly turned the focus back on the subject they were here to discuss in the first place. His gaze softened as he turned to her before he engaged in the conversation.

From their exchange, Sadie could tell this business did mean a lot to him. He listened intently and spoke up when things didn't seem to be right. There were even times when he simply allowed them to find ways to optimize their outputs.

"I hate to interrupt, but I do have an 11:30 meeting with the board. Per usual my email is open if there are any further thoughts or questions. Enjoy the rest of your day gentlemen." Sadie excused herself before leaving the room. Tiffany was hot on her heels as she finished out the notes for the meeting.

"Can you scan those notes to my email? I'll be fine with the board, I've already drawn up my presentation. Thank you."

By the time Sadie returned to her desk, she was ready for hibernation. Meetings with the board never failed to make her feel mentally and physically exhausted.

"Ms. Winter!" Tiffany called as she peaked her head in, Sadie groaned from her position with her head laid on her desk- the cool surface providing relief to her brewing headache. "Mr. Winchester is requesting you see him immediately."

Sadie groaned loudly before pulling herself up from the desk. She slipped her heels back on before stretching as she stood. "Did he say why?" Tiffany shook her head no and Sadie rolled her eyes before heading to the elevator.

When she finally made it to his floor, his assistant sat at her desk furiously chewing a piece of gum. The smacking caused Sadie's head to pound and she wanted to rip the woman's jaw off. She didn't bother speaking to the woman and headed straight for Kade's office.

"Ms. Winter! You cannot go back there without a pass. Ms. Winter!" His assistant yelled after her, the woman's stilettos clicking rapidly across the floor. Sadie groaned as her head began to pound again and she pushed the door to his office open. Kade sat behind his desk, his eyes focused on his computer before they snapped to meet Sadie's.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Winchester. She just walked back here." The woman chirped as she walked around Sadie to stand before Kade, her head bowed and hands clasp behind her back. Sadie scrunched her nose in disgust at the submissive stance before strolling into the office to plop down on one of the soft chairs.

"It's fine. Thank you." He dismissed as he eyed Sadie like a hawk. She leaned her head into her hands as she attempted to ease the tension from her back and shoulders. In her head she made a note to pick up some epsom salt for a bath.

"Yes, sir." His assistant purred before strutting from the room, the soft click of the door letting Sadie know they were now alone.

"You requested to see me, Mr. Winchester?" She spoke as she sat up straight. Kade eyed her for a moment before he stood from behind his desk. Sadie felt her breathing hitch as he walked behind her chair, his large hands laying on her shoulders.

Art of Enticement (Mature) [Discontinued]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu