It's so Simple But We Can't Stay

Start from the beginning

" Okay thank you for being honest with me I just wish you had realized sooner . All of this heart break could have been avoided .. "

" I know . I know look I think it would be best if instead of Jade moving in here you move here instead and that way Jade can room with Wendy and Josie can have the room to herself if it's okay with your father . I don't know if it will be okay on account she has a girlfriend but who knows . "

" I'll talk to him .. we will make it happen I actually think that's a perfect idea. I'm sure he will be fine with it. "

" Okay if you'll talk to him I'm sure he'll do it . In the mean time let me go back to sulking and when you move in you can be on my ass 24/7 okay but for now let me do me okay ."

" Fine Hope but this really isn't healthy. It's not gonna sovle anything . I think it's just gonna pull you further down the rabbit hole and you know damn well you taught to hard . To get to where you are now so I want you to pull your shit together. You get today and that's it I expect you in class tomorrow ."

" Okay Jesus simmer down it's been hardly a day of sulking now please get out of my room ..."

" Fine but just remember Mikaelson you won't be able to tell me that for long it will be my room too "

"Well I can say it now can't I so be gone ... Good night Lizzy "

" I'll see you tomorrow morning Hope"

Jade's Pov

Alaric and I have been training in tracking fighting just about everything you name it he taught me it . Which is weird because it felt like I already knew how to do most of the stuff that he was teaching me anyway I saw Josie sitting on the bench so I asked if we were done for the day . He said for now god help me as he leaves he says goodbye to Josie and she walks over to where I am at the end of the dock . I pull her into my waist by her belt loops and snake my hands around her back she instantly hugs back and we just stay like that for a minute until I finally say something .

" I missed you .... I'm sorry I didn't say anything this morning your Dad had me training before the sun was up . "

" It's okay . I'm here now . "

" Yes you are and I'm so glad that you are . Do you wanna sit down or go somewhere else ?"

" Here is fine I do have to talk to you about something . To be quite sure I don't know what to think my self but just know I'm sure of one thing as of this moment remember that part . "

The last time she said she wanted to talk Hope was gonna be my roommate and then she told me their history and normally I wouldn't be threatened but this Hope girl is a damn ten on a rainy day and she is an original how the fuck do I compete . We sit down on the edge of the dock and she slips her hand into mine before she starts to speak.

" So first of all I want to say this last 2 weeks have been utter bliss compared to the fucked up year I've had. But you know me and honesty is key so I have to tell you what is going on . "

" Joz ... You can tell me anything. I can't promise to handle it the right way 100% of the time but I can promise I will always come back to you . No matter what I'll come back till my heart is out of my chest . So I promise whatever it is I'll process and then we will figure out a way to deal with it . Okay ? !"

"Okay . .... Last night Hope made sort of a confession if you will . She not only told me that she had feelings for me , she had been trying to figure them out for a while since we we're 14 . But seeing us together well I think seeing me with a vampire.... flipped something in her so to speak. But she also said something that kinda felt like I needed to tell you . She said " I may not be your first love but I intend to be your last ." . I wanted to tell you what she said so you knew . But listen to me I am with you . I asked you to be my girlfriend and I am happy we're happy . I don't want anything to change I want to see where the future takes me and you . I don't know what that's gonna be because no one does but I'm willing to face it if you will be by my side . "

" Do you love her just tell me ."

" Half of me . Half of me always will . But the other half of me is screaming out your name ....... "

" What are you saying ....."

" Part of me will always love her but part of me loves you too . What I'm trying to say is that I love you I am in love with you . I fell for you the second you smiled at me and I couldn't look away . Part of me will always love her but I love you dummy. "

" Joz ..... I love you too ."

First of all thank you for all the positive feedback I really appreciate you guys are amazing for just reading♥️ ♥️
Lmao I'm sorry if I ghosted but I had half of this done Friday when my phone decided to delete the hole fucking thing and boy was I pissed cause believe it or not this wasn't the way I intend this chapter to go at first . But alas shit happens
Lastly let me know in the comment section if you'd like me to make another story I have an idea for a just hosie story but I need to know if people will want that content ya know

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