Movie Theater Mischievousness

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Vegeta was angry. No, livid was more like it. He was under the impression that he and Goku were going to train. Instead he was tricked, standing outside a movie theater with his mate's friends.

It wasn't even the fact that he didn't like them, because he did.


But he didn't like being lied to. As the others were entering the dreaded building, the Prince began dragging his feet. Noticing this, Goku told everyone else that they'd be just a moment and to save them seats.

He walked backwards until he met Vegeta's pace.

"Relax, babe. We won't be here for long." Goku pleaded when he saw Vegeta's expression. "Don't touch me right now." He slapped the taller's hand away from his face. Or rather attempted to.

Goku grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer to him.

It was like a switch came on. Vegeta saw it.

"I really don't want to pull you over my knee in front of all these people. But I will if I have to. You know I will. Relax and let's go join everybody else, okay?" He pressed a kiss to the side of the smaller's head in a futile effort to calm him but when he saw that it didn't, he tilted his chin up.

"Okay?" He repeated, a growling tone underlying it. He mashed his lips with Vegeta's so hard, it was surprising their teeth didn't clash. Finally, some sound of reason and understanding, a small whimper was heard from Vegeta.

Almost all of his anger dissipated into thin air, replaced with something else.

"A-alright. Fine, whatever." And just like that, Goku reverted to his old self.

"Aw, don't be so mad Geta. It's only two hours." He dragged a very dazed, confused and aroused Vegeta along into the theater.

"It took you guys long enough." Yamcha snorted. "You almost lost your seats."

Yeah, like it would be such a terrible thing if we did. What a dumbass.

"Over my knee." He reminded him telepathically.

Damn, he wasn't even safe in his thoughts. Vegeta cut an eye at him then pushed past him and his friends to sit at the very end of the aisle. The lights in the building began to dim.

Goku took his place beside his rather annoyed mate. "Calm down. Your anger is scaring everyone."

Vegeta warily looked down the aisle, staring blankly at the warriors who obviously weren't paying attention.

"Like I care." Goku sighed and faced away from him to the huge screen in front of them. No way to get through to him, at least right now. Unfornately for him, Vegeta was cooking up revenge in his head.

He was staring at the screen as Goku pulled the big blue blanket out of the bag he brought with him. He draped it over them.

Fate sealed.

He leaned into Goku, a wicked smile on his face. He could hear the saiyan above him sigh in content and lazily put an arm around the prince. Sneakily, Vegeta led his hand underneath the comforter and rested it on Goku's thigh, keeping his eyes on the movie though he couldn't care less about it.

He could feel Goku's face twist up; questions and anger danced in his eyes. But he never looked up to confirm it. Instead, he reached inside the casual pants his lover was wearing and began touching him, palming him ever so slowly.

"Oh fuck." Goku panted, biting on his lip. Vegeta snickered and went a step further. Soon his fingers were met with that forbidden piece of steeled skin and it was hardening quickly.

"Vegeta. Vegeta fuck. Stop." His words were coming out in short stature and his panting was becoming dangerously loud.

"Quiet." Vegeta surprised his taller mate with the roughness in his voice. He wasn't used to hearing it. All the while, he never stopped looking at the movie.

"Someone will be bound to hear you if you don't control your breathing and then we'll be kicked out. And we wouldn't want that, now would we?"

Out of nowhere, Chiaotzu let out a yelp that caused Goku to grip the covers that surrounded them tightly. Did he hear him?

"T-tien, why'd you have to drag me here? You know I h-hate scary movies! I wanna g-go home." Tien could be heard laughing and gently shushing Chiaotzu.

"Shhh shhh. Here, I'll hold you. It's not real, just a fantasy. I know, you still hate them. Tell you what, I'll buy you McDonald's after. You have to be good though, alright?"

"O-okay. But you better keep your promise." He snuggled into the three eyed man's lap, still outwardly despising this horror movie.

Yamcha snickered, "Hey Tien. If I behave will you buy me McDonald's too?"

"Knock it off." Tien growled.

"Shush, you two! You'll get us kicked out!" Krillin groaned, holding on to a very happy Marron.

Goku almost let a sigh of relief slip past his lips at his friends' obliviousness but forgot about his situation at hand.

"V-vegeta please." He panted again, but quieter this time. "You'll think twice about lying to me, won't you?" That was what this was about. It was a practical joke but apparently the prince didn't think so.

Now Goku was paying for it.

"Won't you?" He repeated and it actually made the taller shake to his core. "F-fuck. Yes, I will."

"Don't worry. I'll let you come, I'm not an asshole like you. You just better stay quiet if you don't want your friends figuring out what's happening underneath this cover." Goku glanced down at his friends so entertained by the movie.

His member was slicked up from the precum leaking. His fingers were covered in it, but he carried on.

"You're close." Teased Vegeta menacingly.

"Go ahead and come. I know you want to." Goku gasped, digging his fingernails into the shorter's thigh.

It was rare, very rare in fact, that Vegeta showed a dominant side but when he did it was all over for Goku and he knew it. "Dammit, prince."

His chest heaved, the feeling in his lower belly eventually coming to a head on the prince's fingers.

He groans and growls, forcing his mouth on Vegeta's, who he had to physically stop because he was way too sensitive. When he finally listened, he took his fingers out of Goku's jeans and sucked on them seductively.

Goku almost came again.

"You're going to pay for that when we get home. I'll have you on your knees begging for me to stop. But I won't." Vegeta just shrugged and leaned against Goku. He wasn't mad anymore.

"Worth it. And I'll bet you'll never drag me to a public place again without telling me. Because if you do-" Vegeta sat up to look his mate in the eyes. "I'll embarrass you just like I did today. And I won't give a damn who's around." He then leaned back into Goku, eyes glued on the screen.

There was still an hour left in the movie and Goku was hard again. He couldn't wait to go home...

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