"You need to go to work." Harry mumbled against his skin.

"I don't want to let you go. You're warm."

"You start in twenty minutes."

"You're still warm." Louis snuggled closer, burying his face in Harry's shoulder.


"Five more minutes." Harry seemed to give up at that and just hugged Louis tighter.
Things had gone so fast. Maybe it was because of how they'd met or because both just knew what they wanted, or rather what they didn't want. Louis knew he didn't want to be just friends with Harry and he knew he didn't want Harry to be with anybody else. But what were they now? He wasn't sure he wanted to be boyfriend to a rock star or even if he wanted to be a boyfriend or have one at all. He liked to party. He liked to kiss random people and have sex a lot and do what he pleased. Being tied to someone wasn't something he'd planned to be until a reasonable age, approximately thirty-two.

"Harry?" he asked softly. "What are we?"

"I don't know." Harry mumbled against him. "This happened very fast."

"Maybe we should take it slow. See where things go."

Harry leaned back and his deep green eyes stared into Louis'. "You want to do that?"

Suddenly he felt a little nervous. What was he getting into? "Um, yeah. Okay."

"So we're kind of...you know, dating a little bit?" Harry bit his lip and looked at him through his lashes. It was adorable.
"Dating a little bit?" Louis grinned at the expression. "Okay, yes. We're kind of dating a little bit."

"Okay, good. We're on the same page then." Harry grinned back.

"But we don't tell people, alright? I don't want to be in some publicity thing, kay?" Harry nodded seriously and kissed his cheek.

"My lips are sealed."



"Niall! Shut the fuck up!" Louis hissed and anxiously looked around. He just knew he shouldn't have told him yet. Louis was in his ridiculous outfit at work and had received numerous looks and stares. He was starting to get pissed off because they were just plain rude. Niall had come around after his shift at the electronic shop had ended as usual and was waiting for his caramel latte and Louis had decided to spill the beans.

"But Lou! This is huge!" He tried to keep his voice down but didn't succeed very well. "I mean with Harry comes a huge fucking package deal!" Then his eyes drifted into space and he looked absolutely gone. "He could take us everywhere..."

"Snap out of it, Niall. And it's not a big deal really. Well, it's fucking crazy, but we're not together or anything. We're just gonna' casually hang out and make out a lot."

"But it's Harry Styles. This is crazy man." Louis handed him his latte and he took a careful sip. Today Niall was dressed in blue jeans, a white shirt that said 'crazy mofo' and dark shades and Louis immediately could tell he was trying to look cool for some reason.

"So what's wrong with you, why are you wearing sunglasses inside?"

"I'm meeting Shauna after this."

"How is that going?"

"I don't know. We hang out, fuck and then she's gone." The poor kid actually looked sad.

"Niall. I told you not to get hung up on this," he sighed and Niall hung his head. "But don't worry Darren and I are going to meet tomorrow and figure this thing out on our apparent date."

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