Chapter Ninety One: Farewell

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The morning was crisp and bright. The Unsullied army, Dothraki, and Northern army, prepared to march South. Rheagal struggled to fly the skies with injured wings that bared many holes. He wobbled flying around his brother Drogon who adorned Daenerys in the skies.

Gendry loaded the last chest onto a cart with the help of Randyl who made sure the horse was strapped to the cart.

"We'll miss you." Sansa said to her elder sister. Arya by her side.

Aris smiled warmly gently rocking Kaytlyn in her arms. Her blue eyes were wide open and staring in fascination at the shiny button of Aris' cloak. "Well, once we get Storms End in order, make sure to visit."

"You've always liked the warmth better." added Arya with a sly smile.

"I suppose that's the Tully in me."

Arya looked behind her sister to Gendry who was chuckling with Randyl before the boy playfully punched his stomach. "If Gendry ever needs a boot, send me a raven."

"I think I can boot him fine on my own. Being doing it since we met."


Duchess came wondering out of the kennels with fur stumbling pups around her feet. Three as white as their father, and the runt spotted with orange like its mother. Randyl was excited to see the pups and cautiously approached them with Duchess carefully looking at him.

Randyl patted each of the puppies and settled on the runt. "Can I have one?!" he called back to Aris.

Dire-wolves never belonged in the South. Wether they were wolf or man. Aris looked to the three remaining pups. "I'll leave two for you both." she told her sisters. "As a parting gift. I'm sure we don't need five wolves in the South."

"Thank you." said Sansa.

"Randyl, bring me two."

Randyl scooped up two pups into his arm and one playfully bit into his sleeve, minding that they barely had teeth and could barely walk as of yet. He approached the sisters wondering what was to be done with them.

"One for Sansa. One for Arya." said Aris.

Randyl handed each pup to the Assassin and Lady of Winterfell. Both gladly taking a puppy. "I don't think I can take a puppy where I'm planning to go." informed Arya.

"Where do you plan to go?"

Arya fell silent on her answer. "I'm not sure yet. The war isn't quite over."

"I'm assuming the other one is for Kaytlyn too?" asked Sansa curiously seeing the runt and one white pup suckling from their mother.

Aris nodded. "That was the plan."

"Then keep this one for Gendry." Arya held out the puppy in her hands. "Nymeria is still out there."

Aris nodded accepting the puppy back and it was given back to Randyl. "You better put the puppies on the cart." Aris told Randyl.

"Okay." he turned cuddling the fluffy pup and headed back for the others. Sansa fondly cradled her new dire wolf that yapped at her fingers.

Across the yard where Jon loaded his horse, Tormund called to him, "Not going to ride a dragon South?"

Jon chuckled and left the horses side. "Just a horse." he said. "Rheagal needs to heal. He doesn't need me weighing him down."

"You weigh as much as two flees fucking. I'm taking the free folk home. They've had enough of the South. The women down here don't like me."

"This is the North, you know? And the Free Folk are welcome to stay."

"It isn't home." said Tormund. "We need room to wonder. I'll take them back to Castle Black as soon as the Winter storms have passed, back where we belong."

Jon turned gazing to Ghost who's white fur was stained in blood and dirt. He was missing one ear and his snout was torn and scared. "It's where he belongs too. A dire wolf has no place in the South. Will you take him with you? He'll be happier up there."

"So would you."

Jon sighed sadly. "I wish I was going with you." he noticed Sam and Gilly approaching. "This is farewell, then."

"You never know."

Jon and Tormund embraced each other as good friends. "You've got the North in you." Tormund told Jon. "The real North." and with that said, Tormund took his leave. He circled Jon and left.

Sam and Gilly now continued to Jon. They smiled sad to see each other go. Jon first hugged Gilly remembering the first time Sam stole her away. But as they hugged, Jon noticed something. He backed away with shocked eyes and looked down to her belly.

Sam nodded knowingly. "Yes, well, we um. The nights have been getting longer and there wasn't that much to do in Old Town, and, there was so many books a person could read, so we..."

"I'm sure he knows how it happens, Sam." said Gilly with a gleeful smile. "If it's a boy, we want to name him Jon."

"I hope it's a girl." replied Jon.

Sam's lip quivered signalling Jon for a hug. They hugged tightly never knowing if this might be the last time they see each other.

"You're the best friend I've ever had." said Sam, tears swelling in his eyes.

"You too, Sam." and they parted ways. Ghost cried as Jon passed. He stopped and sadly pursed his lips to his dire wolf and continued back to his horse and mounted beside Ser Davos and left the Winterfell gates.

"M'lady." Gendry approached his wife. "It's time." he motioned to Jon leaving the gates.

Aris' heart now pounded in her chest. She came forward and hugged each of her two sisters tightly. "I'll see you both soon." she said and joined Gendry's side. Sansa brushed cold fingers over Kaytlyn's black hair. 

"Good bye, little deer."

Gendry guided her to the cart and helped her up the step to sit beside Randyl. He joined Aris' side on the seat taking the reins and urging the horses forward and the cart rolled out of Winterfell behind Jon.

Sansa and Arya watched them leave and Duchess following the cart which housed her three pups, one in Sansa's arms. A wave of sadness and nostalgia came over them. It reminded them of the time they left Winterfell for the first time with their father. Only this time, Aris left with her husband, her new baby and surrogate son for Storms End; as Lady Baratheon of Storms End. 

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