Chapter 56

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Bakugou and Ayano settled down into a booth, entirely relaxed and looking as if they hadn't just fought off a horde of mutated insects. Technically, it was the first time they had collaborated together out in the field but everything seemed so natural to them.

They each took a menu, slowly browsing through them. Bakugou peeked his head up from the menu, taking a glance at Ayano. She was looking intently through the menu. He could almost see the gears turning in her head. Even for some of the most simple and mundane things, she would calculate every step and weigh out all of her options.

He smiled, thinking that it was just like her. He admired her. Despite having just taken down a villain with him, she still looked absolutely flawless.

No...somehow, she looked even better than that to him.

Ayano eventually noticed his staring. Looking up from her own menu to give him all of her attention, she set it down on the table. She had wanted to say something, but felt as if she were paralyzed under his gaze.

The way that he was looking at her...

Just as they were about to lean into each other, their waitress returned with a tea set. "Here's your tea! Careful, it's hot! Are you both ready to order?"

Ayano quickly leaned back into cushioned booth. Bakugou glared at the young woman. "Learn to read the mood, will you?!?" He shouted at her.

"Katsuki! Just let her do her job." Ayano admonished him. She turned her head up at their waitress, shooting her a slightly apologetic look. "I'll have lunch set A, please." She ordered.

Unfazed, the waitress jotted it down in her notepad. Turning to smile at Bakugou, she asked, "And for you, sir?" The boy just mumbled under his breath, deciding to just get the same thing. "Right away then! I'll be back soon with your food!" The waitress cheerfully promised before walking to another table.

Bakugou was beside himself with discontent, frustrated with yet another interruption. As the waitress walked away, Ayano gently set her hand down on Bakugou's. The boy sighed to relieve the tension in his shoulders. He smiled at her, returning to a calmer state of mind.

Their food soon arrived but just as they were about to dig in, they were interrupted by a few more screams. This time, it was from children.

Looking out the window, Ayano's eyes widened as she recognized a few children from the orphanage and one of the caretakers chasing after them. The children marched into the café, bawling their eyes out and screaming bloody murder. "BIG SIS AYA!!! WE DON'T WANT YOU TO LEAVE FOREVER!!!!"

They tackled the young inventor before she could stand up from the booth. Her eyes traveled from the all the crying faces and then up to the older woman who was chasing them. Panting in between words, she tried explaining the situation to Ayano. "I-I'm so sorry, Aya-chan! I know you told them before that you wouldn't be able to see them for a while, but I was talking with the director a-and I was telling her how much we would be missing you and that I couldn't believe you would be gone for so long. One of the children heard me and told the others. Now they think that you're leaving forever and won't be visiting them ever again."

The children started crying even harder. "WAS IT SOMETHING WE DID?!? WE'RE SORRY!!!!" They hugged her tightly, rubbing their faces against her as they cried.

Ayano hugged them back in an attempt to calm them down. When it was clear that they wouldn't be appeased so easily, she sent a slight pleading look at Bakugou.

The boy groaned, putting his face into his palm. Raising his other hand, he waved their waitress over. "We're taking this to go." He bemoaned, motioning for her to take their plates as he grumbled a few obscenities.

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