of dreams and revelations

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[This is going to be a very long chapter because it will explain how the labyrinth was made and how Sarah is connected to it. Please enjoy]

Sarah was having that strangest of dream...
She was walking in a part of the labyrinth shed never been to before.
It was some kind of garden and further ahead there was a maze.
She felt that at the center of maze was where she was meant go so she quickly walked through the various garden beds careful not to step on any of the plants and soon so she was at the entrance. It was quite strange as there was only one path to take and after what felt like hours she arrived in a clearing. And in the center was a women asleep on a day bed. And as Sarah walked closer she couldn't believe her eyes. It was her grandma Morgan but it couldn't be it just couldn't but as she got closer she saw that without a doubt it was indeed her grandmother.
She was even wearing the charm bracelet Sarah had made her the last time she had visited which was years before. But she was so confused. Her Grandmother had died when she was only ten back in her hometown of England right after her mother had passed.why why was she here alive and breathing?
She had to get answers, so gathering up her courage she gently shook the sleeping women.
And nothing happened the women continued on sleeping. Sarah groaned frustrated and wanting answers she walked off and kicked one of the many flowerpots surround the daybed.
Still immature as ever I see...
Sarah turned startled and saw that the women was sitting up and smirking at her. Sarah ran towards her falling into her lap with a hug and tears in her eyes. Grams what... How?
All in due time my child now sit and listen. So Sarah sat back as her grandma begun to speak.
I grew up in England and I lived in a very poor family on the edge of the village right next to the forest. With only my imagination I used to wander the forest exploring and creating the imaginary lands of the labyrinth. Not knowing that I was actually creating a real live labyrinth. And one day on one of my many adventures in the forest I came across a large door in one of the oldest trees in the forest. So like any young adventurer I opened it. And I found myself staring at the world I had created. So I walked through and traveled the labyrinth looking at all my creations. On my journey I came across a young boy with a strange looking hat. He and I became great friends and through him I learned that I wasn't a human but a changling. That's how I had the powers to create. I knew though that I would soon have to return home so he devised a plan. He would get a neighboring kingdom to rule over my labyrinth while I was away. But when I returned home I learned that time worked differently in the labyrinth so much so that many years had past and my human family had perished in fact the whole town had. So I visted the neibhoring town that was also very empty but soon found a few staglers who could tell me what had happened. I learned that a stange plague had swept through most of my home town along with three other neighboring villages, wiping out most of the elders and leaving the young orphaned.
And it came to pass that I traveled far and wide through the villages in search of these orphaned children collecting them and taking them back to my labyrinth where I soon found that over time they became the inhabitants. Sarah interrupted confused. But there aren't any humans in the labyrinth?.
No the children soon begun change turning into goblins and there was nothing I could do stop it. And so I sealed the door but one strong willed child escaped. I learned later on that the child now a young man had written a story about the labyrinth. We ended up finding out because suddenly children mostly babies would be wished away to us but unlike the children before them they never changed so we did the best thing we could think of and gave them over to neighboring kingdom families. Where they would be safe from harm and live wonderful lives. And slowly over time the babies stopped appearing and the labyrinth had gone through many kings. But then young Jareth took the throne and I qui te trusted him to be capable of taking care of my labyrinth. So I left. Going back to the human world and becoming a nurse.
Then I met your mother and father the most wonderful expecting couple.
Your parents were truly in love. We became great friends and I was lucky enough to be there when you were born. Now love is the strongest magic there is. And while the love they had for each other was strong, the love they had for you was stronger creating a magic source within you.i I knew then that I had to be apart of your life to help you control your magic. And they being very fond of me gladly made me your godmother. And when you you were just a new born I bounded your powers to a little red book. A copy of the labyrinth. Knowing someday you would be able to access these powers and journey through the labyrinth and would eventually take my place as lady of the labyrinth. But sometime around three or four you began to call me grandma. It quickly stuck. You grew into a bright young girl with a very strong imagination. But then tragedy struck just days after you have me my charm bracelet,  your mother and I were having a coffee at a little shop when your mother had an allergic reaction that cost her her life. Your father full of sorrow and grief asked that I go away and never return. So I went back to England. Realizing that my time in the mortal word was over I faked my own death leaving the mortal world and returning to the labyrinth.
I was to leave you but I knew you would be fine. I had set a parcel to be sent to you after I had died . the book with your powers. It arrived on your twelfth birthday and you soon became enamoured with it. Acting it out like a play. I sent Jareth to watch over you. And then the fateful day came when you wished away your brother and deafeted the labyrinth which was rated from the beginning though Jareth did not know. I thought it best that he play the part so as not to change anything that might be your fate. And my dear child is how all this came to be. The lady of the labyrinth seemed to grow tired. Grandma Whats wrong and why am I here?
Well isn't it obvious dear child?
Your to take my place.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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