the castle at last

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The throne room was dark and the only source of light was the moon shinning through the window. Asleep on on the floor scattered haphazardly about were goblins. Snoring away unaware of the newcomers.
tiptoeing around the sleeping goblins Jareth led Sarah to a hallway on the other side of the throne room, 
Sarah wondered where he was leading her to could it be that this was all a trap and he was leading her to the dungeon she paused scared and uncertain. Jareth kept walking till he got to the last door opening it and looking back at her.
Sarah what are you doing standing there come on.
She ruefully followed him and found that behind the door was a bedroom.
One fit for royalty. The bed was huge and the blankets were made of silk.
Well I did wake you up its only midnight I thought you might like to get some rest there some clothes on the dresser over there that should fit if you need anything Im in the room to your left and the bathroom is to the right through that door he said pointing to right side of the room.
He walked towards a door on the left side. Now I'm going to get some rest and you should to. Goodnight sarah.
He walked into the adjoining room and closed the door.
Sarah found that she felt imensly tired so she crawled into silk sheet and found that is was the softest bed she had ever laid on and immediately feel asleep.

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