all hope is not lost

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Jaeth couldn't believe he let the young Sarah slip through his grasp and take his powers too.
Though he knew from the start that his efforts would be in vain. He tried though, so hard with the oubliette the knockers the brick layers even the fireyies. All rubbish attempts in the end. The only thing he could do now was meet with the one obstacle he himself had not set into place for her. The Wiseman. For the Wiseman was apart of the labyrinth itself. So he took his crystal threw it to the ground and appeared in the court yard. The Wiseman looked up and smirked. So your here at last. Done sulking are you young lord?
Jareth huffed. yes I need help what do I do? Nothing. There's nothing you can do. Then what happens now? So what, I'm basically powerless, my castle will crumble beneath my feet and there's nothing I can do? He paced back and forth.
Why don't you sit and listen. And so jareth sat in front of the the old Wiseman and began to feel hopeless so he took his last three crystals out and spun them in his hands.
Now then as you know my lady the labyrinth is full of mysteries. What she has in store for you I'm not quite sure of as of yet. But we both know as you should to that the young girl will be back. She connected to this here labyrinth and to you as well young king.
It is only a matter of time before her resistance fails. The labyrinth will pull her back in. There's nothing you can do until then. After that you have a job to do.
Jareth looked up puzzled.
A job? I thought there was nothing I could do?
Listen oh great king.
You can do nothing till she gets here but once she does, you must get her to take up the throne and to take the place  of the lady of the labyrinth.
Jareth was at a loss for words. He loved the girl but surely not enough to give up his throne. So he spoke his mind. What if I were to get her to become my queen then I could keep my throne and she could still become the new lady of the labyrinth?
Yes that will work but she must not be forced into it she must reign by you of her own free will.
But how?
She despises me.
I wouldn't be so sure of that young king. Why don't you look into one those glass balls there and see for yourself hmm?
They're not glass they're crystal he mumbled before gazing into one of them.
He saw her in the crystal.
She was doing something but he couldn't see clearly enough so he tapped deeper into the crystals powers to get a better view and what he saw astonished him.
He had two crystals left.
One to get to Sarah and one to bring them back to labyrinth and if she wouldn't come with him then He would surely perish along with his kingdom.

[Hello it's me the author haha
Are you wondering what he saw them stick around and read the next chapter to find out. Please comment and vote these will help keep me wanting to write the story so it depends on you guys]

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