Chapter 1

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Fox stared at the dark wall beside him. He knew there were polaroid pictures of him, his dad, and his friends tacked onto it but he couldn't see them. It was currently 3 in the morning and, despite taking his melatonin, he couldn't relax in the slightest. Taking a deep breath, he rolled over and finally got off of his bed.

"Maybe I'm just hungry.." the ginger fox mumbled to himself, trying to feel around the dark apartment for the hole where the kitchen door is supposed to be. Groans of annoyance came out of his scrunched muzzle. When he finally found the room, he turned the pale oven light on. He knew it was bright enough for him to see, but not enough for anyone to wake up.

When he turned to face the fridge, he saw none other than his feathered roommate, Falco. His pastel yellow beak was covered in old mozzarella sauce, and an open pop can was spilt onto the kitchen rug.

Fox spent most of his savings attending the Cornerian Academy, and to make ends meet he chose the cheapest apartment possible, including a roommate. Even though the price to live their was low, sometimes Fox wondered if living with Falco was worth it. All he knew about him is that he supposedly attended the same school as Fox, but he's rarely seen.

He knew he couldn't leave the blue avian laying on the hard, kitchen floor for the rest of the night. His back would be killing him and it'd be impossible to clean up the carpet if the stain stays there any longer. Without thinking, Fox gently kicked Falco's hips. This immediately woke him up in a probably drunken panic.

"W-wha? Whooo?? Wzt,, I'ma g-g-get yo asss!" The bird flailed, putting his hands around where his gun holster would be if he wasn't wearing pajamas.

"Dude. It's just me." Fox sighed, touching his paws to his temples.

There was a minute of silence as Falco tried to stand up and comprehend where he was. He was either unnaturally tired or drunk out of his mind. His glassy blue eyes eventually landed on Fox, and stayed on him. He was glanced up and down, side to side, and then they made eye contact.

"Bro, you look like shit." Falco joked, emphasizing the curse at the end.

While he played it off as a joke, Fox looked genuinely ill. The tips of his ears and nuzzle were starting to turn a faint shade of gray, and his dry eyes were sunken in with a hint of purple underneath his fur. Of course, all that was hard to tell when everything is dark and blurry to you.

Fox rolled his eyes at the comment, groaning for a few seconds. "Why were you passed out on the floor?"

"I fell over eating Spaghetti-O's and got comfy." The lil blue shit said, seeming proud of what he did. Fox couldn't tell if he was intoxicated or just very stupid. Without a warning, Falco flipped all of the lights on, making Fox's ears aggressively flinch.

Falco's face went from smug to concerned when he saw Fox in the bright, unnatural light for the first time. He looked really exhausted, but also wide awake at the same time. The loud-beaked bitch felt really guilty for the mess he made, and just in general for how much of an asshole he is.

"What? Do I also have sauce on my face?" Fox attempted to sound sassy, but just came off sounding like a tool. However, his gentle body language evened out his rudeness.

"Nah, but I'll clean up my shit. Go sleep dude, you need it." Falco pushed Fox towards his dark, depressing bedroom, but the fox's ginger tail slapped his feathers away,

"Um, ok... Night?"

"Deuces, senior." Falco held up an ok symbol, keeping it up until he heard Fox's door close.

Falco was all by himself now, and he was supernaturally concerned about his roommate. Fox did all the cleaning around the apartment with school and who knows what else piling on top of it.

"Alright." Falco enthusiastically threw on some bright blue rubber gloves and a random bottle of Windex that was kept near the sink.

"Let's clean this bitch!"

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