Chapter 2

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What was up with Alfred anyways? Sitting with me at lunch and in the physical education introduction, wanting to be his friend; probably just some stupid scheme to mess with the new kid, typical. Arthur sat in his private dorm thinking when he remembered the note, may as well read whatever insult was written on it, Arthur could handle it, couldn't be any worse than the stuff the kids back in London called him. He sighed, opening up the sticky note, but what was written there wasn't an said he was cute. He threw it on to the floor, as if the note had caught on fire. What the bloody hell!? Was this part of some sort of stupid prank? Did Alfred know about him being...No, who could have told him...that's why he was so glad to have left London. After people found out he was gay, Arthur was bullied even more. He was already the nerd, but after people saw him kissing Francis, he became the gay nerd; he hated everything and his classmates continually thought of continually more elaborate plans to make his life a living hell. After his parents found out, they figured the best option would be to send Arthur to an all boy's boarding school; probably the stupidest decision of the millennium, but Arthur wasn't going to complain. He swore things would be different here, he wouldn't make the same mistakes, but fate was cruel, and he was already being pinned down on his first day. Arthur groaned loudly, deciding that the best option would be to just ignore Alfred; it was really the only way to be safe.
Arthur walked into math class the next day, preparing to carry out his plan of ignoring Alfred completely, but one look at Alfred and he watched his plan go flying out the window."Hey! Arthur! Did you like my note?" Alfred was practically bouncing in his seat."No." Arthur looked away, feeling himself blush."You are blushing, I think you totally did like it!" Alfred smiled inconspicuously."NO, I DIDNT, YOU WANKER." Arthur growled, sitting down in his seat. It looked like Arthur was going to say something else but he was cut off by Mr.Doitsu."Goodmornig class, to start off the quarter, we are going to do a group project on graphing and data collection. I will be picking your groups." The class sighed collectively."Silence! Now, the groups are as follows: Bernwald, Tino, Arthur, and Alfred will be group one..." Arthur bashed his head against a wall inside his head. It's already hard enough to ignore Alfred, and now he is required to not ignore him... just great. He didn't even pay attention to any of the other groups, silently pouting at his desk. When Mr.Doitsu had finished his lecture on the project, the students began to move their desks into groups."Hi, my name is Tino, but you already know that because Mr.Doitsu said my name." A short boy with light blonde hair and a blue sweater vest laughed nervously."And this is Bernwald!" He gestured to the tall boy next to him."Bernwald just gave a small wave."Nice to meet you." Arthur put out his hand, Tino took it happily."Well we should probably get started on the project!" Tino said, sitting down in the chair Bernwald had pulled out for him. As they worked on filling out the first packet, Arthur noticed that Tino and Bernwald seemed to be more than friends, it was only when Bernwald took Tino's hand as they walked out of the classroom were his suspicions confirmed."Are" Arthur questioned Alfred as he made his way to English class."Yeah, why do you ask?" Alfred seemed to not care. "You don't have a problem with that, no one bothers them?" Arthur inquired further."Of course not! Why would anyone bother them?" Alfred sounded surprised."At my old school they didn't like it when two boys..." Arthur mumbled, feeling embarrassed."Well no one cares here, so it's totally fine for you to fall in love with me!" Alfred laughed, splitting off to go to his next class. Arthur stood for a moment... surprised. He had gone through so much at his old school, but here it's 'totally fine'!? Whatever, this doesn't change anything, he was not going to stop hating Alfred, and he was certainly NOT going to fall in love with him.

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