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        Both of Fukurodani's managers exchanged numbers with you and insisted on a group chat, despite your lack of knowledge of volleyball or confidence as a manager. They promised to help you and answer any questions you have, but said that it was more friendly than professional. You're so used to hanging out with Kuroo and Kenma, and now the whole volleyball team, on a regular basis, it's foreign to have girls approach you and ask to be friends.

Although it was only practice, the match with Fukurodani may have awakened something in you. Or...a couple of things. Volleyball had never caught your interest, even when you went to matches to support your friends.

Initially, you didn't want to be a manager. You just wanted to focus on your studies and get into the college you want, but then you joined because you felt bad after the last time you turned Kuroo down. It slowly began to get interesting for you, but you still had very little passion for it. All of the motivation you had came from wanting to support the boys the best you can and not wanting to let them down. But now...If the college you go to has a volleyball team, maybe you'll join if they have a spot open for a manager.

"You know..." Kuroo begins, shoving his hands in his pockets. You know what's coming. Kenma knows what's coming. Too bad you're too far away from home to run away from it. Kuroo would catch you in less than five seconds.

"I knew you were gonna like Bokuto, but not like this." You let out a loud groan that startles Kenma a little bit. "You turned as red as your jacket talking to him." He tugs on your Nekoma jacket and a grin slowly begins to spread across his face as he watches you slowly begin to panic.

"No I did not, Kuroo Tetsuro please do not lie to me." "You didn't." Kenma chimes in from the other side of you. You begin to calm down, but his next words negate that. "You were blushing, though."

You feel like you're going to cry. You kind of wish you never met him now. "Don't worry about it. It's as easy as reading a book with you, but Bokuto is probably the densest person on the planet. Unless someone outright tells him, your secret is safe with us." "And the rest of the team." "And Fukurodani." "Thanks guys. I really appreciate it."


"You know, Valentine's Day is coming up. Maybe you should send Bokuto some chocolates." You nearly choke on your lunch at Yaku's words, and Kuroo almost spits out his drink from laughing.

"I swear I didn't tell him." "I hate all of you, I knew I shouldn't have joined." You whine, draping yourself across your desk. "It's not our fault you're bad at hiding your crush." You frown at Yaku, who just stares at you as he eats his own lunch.

"You've never been one to get a crush so fast. Love at first sight?" Kai's words are casual, but you can see the teasing glint in his eyes. None of them are ever going to let you live in peace now.

"I wouldn't call it that..." You mumble, squishing your cheek against the desk, the frown still on your lips. "If you guys want to know why this is all happening, I can't help you. I'm just as clueless as everyone else. All I know is he's fun to watch and has some nice biceps." "I knew his biceps were gonna come into play." "Kai, shut up."

"In all seriousness," Kuroo begins, swiping a piece of meat from your lunch and shoving it in his mouth before continuing. "You could do a whole lot worse. Bo's a great guy. Not the smartest, sure. He has his times where we all want to drop kick him into oblivion, sure. But he's got a great heart and is physically incapable of intentionally doing someone dirty. It's just not who he is. Is this what I expected when I said you were gonna like him? Absolutely not. But am I complaining? Absolutely not." "Unless they actually get together and they start being gross." "I met him a few days ago, please do not jump to "together" already."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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