Chapter 13

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"You think you can beat me?" I questioned staring him down.

"One lap around the block winner gets ice cream...loser has to pay" Mason challenged me as we stood at the start of my block. Me him and Flynn had just gotten back from the park and Mason didn't believe that I ran track in high school. He wanted to test my running abilities.

"Deal." I held my hand out to him and he took it shaking.

"Your going to be sorry." Flynn laughed sitting back on the steps looking at Mason.

Mason just rolled his eyes at him not believing him one bit. I was just happy I wore my sneakers.

"On your Mark." Flynn said "get set... go!" And off I was with Mason right next to me. He stayed with me for most of it. I was actually surprised when he got around the first corner with me.

The next one came up and he slowed down a little on me.

I kept pushing my legs to run faster and harder no mater what.

I didn't look back when I saw Flynn's face. He started to laugh as I got closer.

I looked behind me when I was done to see that Mason was just then finishing.

"What.. h-how."

"I tried to tell you! She was the best on her team!"

I chuckled looking at Mason as he got down on the ground putting his head to his knees.

"Got to give you did stick with me for most of it."

"Thanks." He rolled his eyes at me.

I put out my hand and helped him to his feet. "So I'll pick you up at 7?"

I had forgotten all about me and him going out with Meg, Corbin and Bill. We were all going to go out to celebrate Mason going off to Philadelphia in a few days for his fight.

"Oh yeah I mean I." I looked to Flynn. Meg was coming with us tonight and he wasn't old enough to stay home. He was close but still I don't think I would trust it in this neighborhood.

"I can stay with Mrs. Shannon?"

Mrs. Shannon was a nice older lady who had watched Flynn a lot for me when I would work night shift. She lives only down the hall and was great with Flynn.

"Are you sure? Because I can always stay home and we-"

"Go!" He cried hugging me tight.

I looked back to Mason "yeah 7 is great."

He nodded his head and made his way down the street.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean? What I can't want my sister to find love and happiness?"

"Eww Flynn don't say that." I chuckled pulling him up to go into our apartment.

" I chuckled pulling him up to go into our apartment

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