Harry Styles imagine (Soccer)

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This is my first imagine so I'm sorry if its bad. Y/N = your name

You were going to go play soccer at the new park around the corner. As you got here you saw 5 really cute guys. The one with blonde highlights in his hair turned and whispered something to the boy with messy curls.

"I swear if he's talking shit I'm gonna kick his ass" you thought.

All of a sudden the boy with curly hair started to approach you. It felt like you heart was about to burst it was beating so fast. Since you moved here, no boy has yet to come up and talk to you.

"Hi my name is Harry and over there is Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Liam."

His accent made your heart melt. Even though you've been in London for about a year with the other side of your family, surrounded by British accents. His was different.

"My name is Y/N." you said as you were shaking his hand.

There was something different about him. You kind of liked it.

"Would you like to play a game of soccer with us?"

"I would love to!"

After you said that his eyes lighted up. He grabbed your hand and started running towards the field and introduced you to the rest of the boys.

It was about 10 minutes in to the game when you scored a goal. You through your hands in the air and Harry ran a gave you a big hug.

"Uhh Harry your hands are a bit low"

Considering they were practically on your ass.

"oh sorry love" he said winking.

Shortly after that one of your guy friends you met about a month ago, showed up and you walked up to him and gave him a hug, wondering why he was here.

"Hey how are you?" he said

"Good how about you?"

"Everything is good i just came by your house to say hi because I was on your side of town and your aunt said you were here, but I have to head back to work so I'll see you later." He started jogging off. "BYE" you screamed waving at him with a confused look on your face as to why he left so suddenly.

When you got back to the field all of the boys except for harry were arguing rather if the goal counted or not. Harry pulled you aside.

"That's not fair only I can give you hugs Y/N" he said while pouting, referring to when you and your friend hugged.

"Aww" you said smiling.

Then gave Harry gave you another hug.

"You know I love your hugs. Your so beautiful." He said whispering in your ear.

He started to kiss your neck and his hands giving your but a quick squeeze. You moaned and pulled away then he grabbed your face and kissed you unexpectedly. At first you were in shock then you put your hands around his neck and started to kiss back. The boys stopped arguing and turned to look at you and Harry.

"Eww get a room " Louis yelled.

You and Harry laughed it off. After the game, you and harry exchanged numbers, you said goodbye to everyone and went back to home. You knew tomorrow was going to be interesting.


Well now you know what my dreams are like 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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