"Please tell me you were able to prove that any of the claims she has made here today are fake. I have already received a video copy of her arrival home from her attorney. You need to come up with something, anything showing him being read his rights and charges. I also need to know why the detective did not tow the damn car. I will also expect his son brought up on charges and the detective to be under investigation by internal affairs. This is gross negligence and incompetence at its worst. I have no choice but to release him because of gross negligence." He ran his hand over his face and sighed, when he looked up it was clear he was frustrated. "I am releasing Mr. Jeon pending further investigation. As of now he is being released and all charges are to be dropped if Prosecution is unable to provide proof that; his rights have been read, his charges had been listed and the detective did not allow his son to drive his car. You have 24 hours to provide this evidence."

The Assistance Prosecutor looked at me and rolled his eyes. "You got lucky." I smiled at him. "I also took this judge's course on basic rights and responsibilities of law enforcement. Clearly you and your officers could benefit from a refresher." He walks away and the Min's attorney taps me on the shoulder.

"That was very well done of you. I see that you will be an incredible attorney one day." He smiles as he shakes my hand. "Thank you, will you help us with charges against the detective and officers that did not allow me to see him yesterday and withheld the information of his arrest from me?"

He smiled, "Of course I will meet with you after you get your husband and get the information that I need." He walks over to Mr. Min and speaks with him. I get up to meet Jungkook where prisoners are released. I fully expect to wait hours, but I am pleasantly surprised as he walks out the same time I do.

I run into his arms as he picks me up in a big bear hug. "Thank you for getting me out." He kisses me on my nose. We walk out of the courthouse, holding hands to wait on Mr. Min and the attorney.

"So, it is true. You have given yourself to a criminal to deal with your daddy issues." I freeze as soon as I hear that voice. I turn to face him not leaving Jungkook's hold.

"Hello to you too father. What do you want?" I look to the man I had loved with my entire being at one point, he is now just the man that failed me.

"I see you are still upset. I thought leaving you to your own devices for awhile, and giving you the space you needed would help." He stepped closer to me and reached his hand out, only to have Jungkook pull me closer to him.

"I don't think so sir. You seem to be making my wife uncomfortable. You can talk to her if keep your distance." This made my father pissed not that I cared.

"Boy, do you know who I am? I am not only her father, but the man that is going to put you in jail. I am Prosecutor Smith, the man that will be sending you to jail." His smile was pure evil, and it was clear that he was unaware that the charges were dropped. "You may be out on bail for now, but you will be back."

The next thing I heard was Jungkook's laugh, I could feel it vibrating in his chest where my back met him. "You haven't heard yet have you? You want to tell him Brat, or shall I?" His eyes were full of mischief and pride. My dad looked as us full of confusion as I nodded to Jungkook to do the honors.

"Detective Dumbass got a little above himself and the charges were dismissed." I watched the blood drained from my father's face. "Hard to find good help these days, right? Well unless you are me. I married my brat and she is so smart got my charges dropped for me." He kisses the top of my head as he pulls me towards Mr. Min and the attorney walking towards us.

"Oh yeah Prosecutor Smith? Make sure you stay away from my wife. I'll help her with all her daddy issues." He winks and we continue to walk away back to the courthouse. I look back and smile at the look of pure hatred on his face. After speaking with the attorney and giving him what he needed to file the charges and request a restraining order we left the courthouse for the final time today.

They had located Jungkook's car and it had been impounded as an abandoned vehicle at the site of a hit and run accident. I have said and done some things to him that were mean and, for my troubles I had received some dirty looks.

Nothing compared to the look on his face right now. I almost felt bad for whoever he was getting ready to go after. Because he was in jail and a paper trail started for him, they were unable to charge him with the hit and run.

Prosecutor Smith's POV

I step into my office know full well who will be waiting in there for me, Mr. Jeon. This man has nothing on his son but is nothing to play with.

"I thought you said that he could get the job done. All he had to do was go pick him up and take him to jail. The third grader next door to me could have done a better job." I don't say shit because he is right. The paperwork was in order, it should have been easy.

"Clearly he let is dislike of the boy get in his way." Lame but it was all I had for now. I was currently trying to figure out how to distance myself from the detective. Hopefully it isn't to late, if looks could kill I would be dead.

"You are supposed to get me my son and or his money. I have neither. What the fuck." I have no idea why he and his son are no longer speaking. To be honest I don't care. He is really a nobody, but he has dirt on me. I need to get it back or give him what he wants.

"Don't worry I will get you one or the other. She is my daughter and she will do as I say." He laughs in my face and it annoys me, but I can't do anything about it.

"She is fucking my son and made her marriage legal. You fucked her up more than I did him." He is right, I knew what Wong's boy did to her and I did nothing about it. I know she hates me; I wish she could understand why I let it happen.

"If they have a kid, I want it too. A second chance of sorts. I suggest you hurry and get that jackass off the force before him and his feelings fuck up things even worse." I nod my head He is going to be hard to get rid of considering who his father in law is.

"I know you are concerned about his family ties, don't be. Have the son arrested and then him. I assure you his family will distance themselves from that branch of the family tree. I am sure they are tired of cleaning up after them and may just cut them off." He chuckles and shakes his head a little. "If all else fails I have seen what he did to my son's car. Him and his family may try to take justice into their own hands. If you have a competent detective, you might get it to stick." He walks out leaving me to figure out what to do.

I pick up my phone and decide that I don't want him to get street justice. Not because I care if he goes back to jail. No, it is because the bitch ass detective and his son have embarrassed me for the last time.

A/N: Hey I am sorry it took so long to get this chapter up. I have been trying to edit some of my other stories and get them back up. Let me know what you think about this chapter, vote and comment. I love to hear for you guys. (✿◡‿◡)

His Best MistakeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz