I'm to ugly to be loved.

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        Hi my name is Skylar Love. I'm 16 and absolutley love music. I would not be able to live without it. I listen to all sorts of music but my favorite bands are Black Veil Brides, Panic! At The Disco, Falling  In Reverse, and Secondhand Serenade. <3 <3 My personality is kinda hard to describe. At times i can be bubbly, random, hyper, and loud but other times i can be serious, quiet,sad, and meanMy bestfriends are Elizabeth, Alice, Rain,and Hunter. I'm gonna let u in on a secret. I cut. I have cut since i was 12 years old, ever since 7th grade. Only a few of my friends know. You might be wondering how my parents haven't noticed yet? They have only once before. Here i'll tell you my story.

         Ever since 5th grade i had always been more sad and dark than i had before which scared the crap outta me. On the day before 7th grade i saw a pair of scissors on my dresser and the sudden thought came to me. Before i knew what i was doing I grabbed the scissors and had dragged it against my skin. I loved the feeling of it so i did it 8 more times. The next day at school i showed two of my closest friends what i had done. Elizabeth and Alice.They were so shocked at what i had done. After almost two months i finally couldn't take it anymore and wanted to commit suicide. It scared me so much I went to my school counsler and asked her to promise not to tell my parents. She promised alright, but then she calls my parents and tells them.

i was furious and scared of what my parents were gonna do. As i was walking home after school I was so scared.As i walked in the door the first thing my dad said to me was "Show Me" I walked over to him and showed him both my arms. Each arm had more than fifty scars, new and old on them. My dad went on about "How could you do this?"and "Do you know how this makes me feel?"  At the last sentence he was crying and i finally snapped. I screamed at him about how i was so scared of my mom and i was always scared if she would hit me or not.I was scared to say anything because i knew she would judge me. My mom hearing all of this says"are you talking about me?" I just nod. She then goes off on me on how she does everything for me and i always blame her for everything that goes bad. by then i was shaking so much i could barely breathe. She walked out of the door and slams it. My dad just tells me to go to my room. my mom finally comes back two hours later and  im still in my room trying to calm down. She comes in and we have a civil conversation and "hug" it out.I lost my phone privelidges, my laptop priveliges, and i was not allowed to shut my door for about two months.

But the thing is they never knew i never stopped.My mom still makes cutting jokes every once in a while. And she jokes about me being ugly which hurts me but like i would ever let her know that. I want to find true love like in movies but i know that won't happen.  I'm to ugly to be loved.

<3<3 <3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2012 ⏰

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