6) A swim in a lake

Start from the beginning

"Which leads me to this" Luke turns to me and asks "Claire Adams, would you do the honor of going to homecoming with me?"

The whole table grows silent as I look at Luke with a look of shock in my face. "ummm, sure I mean yeah, I'd love to" Luke grins at this and hugs me into his chest and kisses my cheek.

I know this is an act but I am shocked at how real it feels. Snap out of it Claire my innerconsience snaps. You know this is all an act. He just wants to get Nicole. Don't be a fool and I agree with my conscience.

Nicole has a look that is a mix of shock and anger. I am surprised to see that Zack is looking shocked and something else too. Jealous? Maybe.

The bell rings and I get up quickily. "Well, I'll see you guys later" I turn to Luke and manage a smile "Bye Luke" I exclaim and walk out towards my locker.

I get to Biology without anyone stopping to talk to me. I get multiple glances from people but I'm not surprised. The news that me and Luke were now a 'couple' probably has gotten around.

Brandon comes in and sits down next to me. "Okay are you serious? Are you really dating Luke?" he asks but he doesn't look angry, just confused.

I shrug "He can surprise people, you said so yourself" I explain and he gives me a weird look "yeah but I didn't think it would happen so quickily".

I shrug as Luke walks in and walks over to us. "Brandon, can I sit next to my girlfriend?" he asks but it sounds more like a demand. Brandon gives a half smile and gets up and goes to sit next to Mike.

"So far so good" Luke whispers quietly in my ear. I nod and look over to see Zack looking at me while Nicole tries to get his attention. I quickily turn back around. "For future information, I don't like cute couple names like baby or sweety" I whisper and he quietly chuckles "good to know".

The class goes by quick and so does history but Luke and I get a few weird looks from Mr.Solender. He was my favorite teacher this year. He was an attractive young teacher but he knew what he was talking about. I usually enjoyed his lectures.

At the end of class Mr.Solender holds me back as everyone leaves his classroom. "Claire, can you explain to me why Mrs.Brooks kept shooting you glares throughout my class, Mr.Woods was looking at you like you were a confusing math problem, and Mr.Evans kept staring at you. It was quiet distracting to me when 3 of my students had more of their attention on you than what I'm saying".

I smile knowing that Mr. Solender isn't mad at me, just curious. "It's really complicated" I explain. He nods and I start to walk out the door when he says "oh, and Claire, since you seem to be getting closer to Luke, can you think about helping him on his history?"

He is holding up the grades of mine and Luke's recent test. Mine was an A and Luke's was a D-. I nod and say "I'll try" and leave.

As I walk out the school I feel someone grab my arm. I look up and am surprised to see Zack looking down at me.

"Hey" I say and put on a smile. Zack smiles back but it doesn't reach his eyes. "I, umm, was wondering why- well I don't mean why but
how...when... why do you like Luke all of the sudden?" he asks and I really don't have an answer.

Luckily I don't have to because a voice behind Zack responds "that's really not your business is it?". Zack whips his head around and watches as Luke walks next to me. "Ready to go Cinderella?" he asks.

"Ready to go where?" I ask confused. Luke smiles down at me "for our date". At that he puts an arm around me and steers me towards the parking lot. "bye-bye Zack" he shouts without looking back but I look over to see Zack. He is standing there looking lost. I feel a little sad but it doesn't last long as Nicole walks up to him and gives him a kiss on the lips.

I turn back around and ask Luke "I thought I was sleeping beauty?"

He smirks "I changed it".


"Because now your Cinderella. You're going to the ball with a prince"

"Really? Where is he?"

"Ouch, that hurt"

"You have to have feelings for them to hurt"


We get into his car. "Where are we even going?" I ask tired of not knowing why he isn't giving me answers.

"You'll see"

"You're impossible"

"Or am I irresistable?"

"The first one"

He smiles and turns on the radio. After 20 minutes we arrive at our destination. We are in a city near Savannah. It is close to a boardwalk near the lake. We get out and Luke grabs my hands. I quickly yank my hand out of his.

"Come on Sleeping Beauty, we have to practice looking like an actual couple" he says smiling and I reluctantly give him back my hand "so what are we going to do?" I ask.

"We are eating a very fancy dinner"


"Because we can"

"It's not even 5"

"Then it's an early dinner"

"Whatever" I say rolling my eyes as we drop into a comfortable silence. "Here we are" Luke says as we reach a building decorated with vines that looks dark inside.

"Wait out here while I check the wait time" he says and I nod. Even though it is 5 the place is crowded looking.

I lean back against the side of the building and close my eyes when I hear a voice "why, hello there sexy".

I open my eyes to see 3 teenage boys walking closer to me. They are covered in tattooes and all look filthy. The one who spoke has blonde hair and the other two have brown hair.

I ignore them and turn to face the different direction. "Guys, we got a quiet one" the blonde says as the others laugh and I look over at him with disgust clear on my face and start to walk away. Suddenly he grabs my wrist tightly. "Where do you think you're going?" he growls.

I try to wiggle out of his grip "let me go" I snap but he holds on tight. He then unexpectantly pushes me up against the wall. Sadly the building doesn't have any windows. His breath is awful and I try not to throw up. It smells like liquor and drugs.

"Feisty, you'll be a lot of fun" he growls and I knee him straight in the crotch. His grip loosens and I try to run away but the other two grab me and slam me against the wall hard and I hit my head hard on the wall.

"You bitch! You know what happens to bad girls? They get punished". His hand runs under my shirt as he starts making his way up as I struggle against the 2 holding me.

"Stop! Don't touch me!" I shriek but they just laugh. Suddenly someone grabs the blonde one and shoves him away from me. I look to see Luke with a furious look on his face as he punches him square in the nose and kicks him in the stomach as he falls to the ground.

"Don't you dare fucking touch her again!" he growls and looks over at the other two. They quickly release me and I immediately run into Luke's arms. He grips me tightly as I try to calm my heart beat.

"Hey, we're not done yet" the blonde says, getting up slowly. Luke turns slowly towards him but I grip his shirt. "Don't. Let's just leave. Please" I beg and he reluctantly turns towards me. He leans close to my face and looks straight into my eyes. "When I say run, run" he whispers and I nod.

He turns around just as the blonde swings at him and he easily blocks it and kicks him in the gut. "Run!" he shouts and I listen to him and start running, relieved to see him running right next to me. We hear the 3 run after us.

We sprint a few blocks but I know that we will soon grow too tired and they will catch up with us. Apparantly Luke knows this too because he grabs my hand and runs towards the dock.

"Jump" he says calmy at me.

"What?" I state shocked. he looks seriously over at me. "Jump" he says again and with that he jumps the 10 foot jump into the water. His head resurfaces and he shouts "it's safe, jump!" and I decide to listen to him.

I take a deep breath and jump.

The Jealousy PlotWhere stories live. Discover now