"My mother was a great person and for you to blame her..."

"No, no, no, you misunderstood. I am not questioning the character of her, nor did I say it was her fault, I am only saying that her absence is what contributed to your emotional distress."

"You're blaming what's wrong with me on my mom when you should be blaming it on him!" I stood up, knocking everything on the table onto the ground with one quick swipe of my hand. "He is the one who did it to me!"

"Eryk there is nothing wrong with you." He spoke calmly. "Everyone has emotional difficulties in some aspect..."

"Well I'm not like everyone else!" I had enough. I stormed out of the office and headed towards the lobby.

Little did I know, he actually began following me, speaking as loudly as I was with no shame who was within sight.

"Please son, come back into the room. Our session is not over."

"No! I can't do this anymore."

He finally flipped his lid, figuratively speaking. He pushed a nerve that I can't ignore and I need to leave before I do something stupid.

"Eryk, you're a minor! You cannot leave the building without an adult to sign you out." He stopped me in the hallway. "Why don't you use the restroom, cool down for a bit and then rejoin me?" He lowered his voice and began placating me.

"I don't need to 'cool down'!" I shouted as I kept walking, despite him following me. "I'm out of here."

I pushed the doors wide open and walked into the lobby, eager to make a quick dart for the exit. A few heads turned and everyone went silent as they were excited to see a show in the lobby. The receptionist stood quickly and grabbed the phone, more than likely calling security.

"Stop! You cannot leave." She warned me.

I scoffed, "Who's going to stop me? You?"

"You walk out that door and your father gets involved." Mr. Davis threatened, successfully getting me to reevaluate my choice.

I stopped, turned back to him with an angry glare but considered this. Charlie would tan my hide if he knew that I left therapy randomly. I caught a shiver just from thinking of the wrath I would have to suffer from Charlie. Not to mention the disappointment he would have in me for walking away from a conflict.

"I will keep this between us if, and only if, you come back to our session. I know you are feeling several emotions right now but please do not make a rash decision." He walked closer to me.

I could feel a pinch in the corner of my nose as my eyes went glassy. Not wanting everyone in the lobby to see me cry, I gave him a quick nod and followed him back to his office. I tried to keep it together until then, but a few tears managed to escape my eyes and run down my cheeks just before we reached his door. I returned to my original seat, with him placing a box of tissues in front of me, he returned to his as well but this time without a notepad.

"Eryk I'm aware you've only been with me for three weeks, granted they may have been on-and-off, but I would like to believe that you should trust me."

"I do, I do trust you. I'm sorry." I blew my nose.

"That being said, please don't ever think that any emotional difficulties you may be feeling constitutes as there being something "wrong with you." If we work together we can address and resolve them but I need you to try, don't compromise yourself...because ultimately you're all you got."


"Eryk, my room." Charlie said as he hung his jacket, Cody shot me a confused look but I brushed it off.

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