Chapter 2

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Y/n stood there not knowing what to say, but before she had the chance to say anything there Zed was standing at the gym door looking at the two with an angry but upset look on his face. Y/n chased after him once he turned around and let go of the door but she caught it in her hand before it completely closed and called out to Zed.

"Zed, hang on!" Y/n said reaching for his arm.

"Why are you with him?" He questioned her as he turned around to look at her.

"Him and his pack were watching us practice so I asked them to join, what's wrong with that?" Y/n answered him.

"What's wrong is that they are werewolves, they shouldn't even be here Addison" Zed answered angrily.

"Why shouldn't they be here, they are people like us who are confident in being themselves" Y/n told him crossing her arms.

"Says the one who was hiding under a wig for half of her life" Zed told her.

Even though she wasn't Addison and she knew that line was coming it still hit her pretty hard but even though she knew she should keep on track of the movie she just blew at him with the anger that was building up inside of her.

"Says the guy who is not being his true self while running his stupid president campaign and ignoring one of his best friends ask for help on what is a important part of zombie heritage from getting demolished to make a place for cheerleading competitions when there are other places that perfectly fine for it. So i'm sorry if I respect the werewolves for being who they are Zed" Y/n said finally getting out what was on her mind.

"Well i'm sorry if I am trying to do something nice for my girlfriend" Zed said back to her.

"No you are doing it for you and only you, you won't listen to anyone but yourself" Y/n said trying to compress her anger down so she doesn't have another outburst.

Zed stood there looking at her in silence not knowing what to say anymore and then after a moment he just turned around heading toward the entrance but Y/n immediately felt really bad and ran to hug him from behind.

"Zed, please know I do respect your decisions but I couldn't help but let out my built up anger" she said squeezing him tighter.

"I know Addison, I just need to head home but i'll talk to you tomorrow" Zed told her.

Y/n slowly let go knowing he needs some alone time. Zed gave her a sad smile before turning back toward the front entrance. After seeing him turn left down another hallway toward the stairs Y/n turned back around and headed back to the gym to grab her bag with a worried look on her face.

"Hopefully everything will turn out okay" Y/n thought to herself hoping she didn't jeopardize a good relationship and a way back home.

Walking back through the gym's doors she noticed Wyatt sitting on the bleachers obviously waiting for her to return so his question could get answered. Without hesitating, Y/n went straight over to him knowing that there was nothing else she could do besides talk with.

"Sorry about that" Y/n said, sitting down beside him.

"Back to my question then, who are you really? Wyatt asked her.

Y/n looked him in the eye, she didn't know how she should reply since he obviously knows that she isn't Addison but can't decide if she should trust him in saying who she truly is and her situation.

"If it makes anything easier, I feel that I am in the exact same situation as you" He said almost like he had read her mind.

"Wait, does that mean you are actually Pearce and not just your character?" Y/n asked and he nodded.

Y/n quickly felt relieved knowing that she wasn't alone but felt a bit flustered knowing that a celebrity was now for sure in her presence but she took a deep breath and told him.

"My name is Y/n L/n" she told him.

"Nice to officially meet you Y/n" Pearce said back with what seemed to be a smile of relief.

"Nice to officially meet you too, Pearce but now I have a question" Y/n said.

"Sure, ask away" he said.

"How did you end up here?" Y/n asked.

"Well I was at an audition and when my number was called which was the last I headed toward the auditioning room but once I walked through the door I ended up inside the wolf den beside Willa and Wynter" Pearce answered.

She looked at him surprised knowing her situation was similar in a way.

"For me I was just opening the door to start my shift behind the deli counter and I ended up in the entrance of the school" Y/n told him.

"I wonder why you were chosen and not Meg" He wondered.

"I don't know but there is no changing what happened now, but anyways how long have you been here?" Y/n questioned.

"I'm not exactly sure but it definitely has been quite awhile" Pearce answered her.

They sat there for a few minutes talking and getting to know each other but they didn't realize how late it had gotten since they were enjoying each other's company.

"It's getting late, I should head back to the wolf den before Willa starts to get suspicious if she isn't already" Pearce told her standing up from the bleacher.

"Yeah, I better head to Addison's house" Y/n said picking up her off of the floor and stood up.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Pearce asked.

Y/n nodded with a smile and he smiled back at her. Exiting Seabrook High, the two said their goodbyes and headed their separate ways.


30 Minutes Later


"So how was it today running practice?" asked Addison's mother.

"It was good, already had them learn a mini routine today in under an hour" Y/n answered then took a bite of her pasta salad.

"It'll be great for Seabrook once your cousin becomes student body president and you'll be able to be captain" said Addison's father.

"Well It will be awesome for Zed to be president too, as long as one of us gets what we want it's okay" Y/n replied.

The two adults rolled their eyes knowing that whatever they say she won't listen.

After finishing up her dinner, Y/n quickly stood from her chair then pushed it in while grabbing her plate and glass which was now empty and rinsed off her plate and cutlery then putting them in the dishwasher before refilling her glass with water and headed into the living room to start on her homework.

"I wonder what Pearce is doing?" Y/n asked herself.

She couldn't stop having Pearce on her mind ever since they looked into each others eyes earlier in the afternoon.

A Unforgettable Love Story (Reader x Pearce Joza/Wyatt)Where stories live. Discover now