🥀 Chapter Ten 🥀

Start from the beginning


Monica could still feel something foreign swirling within her core. That same voice calling to her and making it near impossible for her to focus solely on Daniel.

The voice is deep yet soft. It's familiar and unexpectedly surrounded by warmth. If she was honest with herself, she would admit that a suppressed part of her was tempted to follow it; to find out what it wanted with her and who it truly belonged to.

But again, she buried her curiosity deep down, refusing to give herself over to it.

She had no intention of moving from Daniel’s side. Truth be told, she was just waiting for another member of the Le Domas family to stumble around the corner and put her out of her current misery. She was done fighting, done searching, and done pretending to be something she wasn’t.

“I wish we could have met sooner - before all this shit. Perhaps when we were both single and a little more fun.” She murmurs while stroking Daniel’s cold cheek lovingly. “Though, you’d have probably hated me. I was awful back then, especially when it came to men.” she says with a half-hearted chuckle before sighing at the lack of response offered.

She realised his death was still sinking in for her, along with everything else that had transpired tonight.


Her brows knit together at the soft sounding voice, immediately recognising it to be Alex’s. Her head slowly tilts up, causing her gaze to lock onto the youngest Le Domas son, where he stands opposite her with eyes drowning in confusion. “Wher—” his voice falters when his gaze shifts down to the body beside her.

Immediately, his eyes grow wide and tearful, consumed with disbelief and grief as he rushes over to kneel at his brother’s side. “Daniel? No, no... please.” His voice is desperate and consumed with grief as he waves his hands around frantically, unsure of what to do.

Beside him, Monica sits silently with gaze softening as she watches him deal with the realisation that Daniel was indeed dead and lifeless. Her teeth nibble on her lower lip as her eyes pool with tears; she’s fighting off a sob.

After all, it was no secret how much Daniel and Alex meant to each other. They were as close as two brothers could be. So, witnessing the overwhelming grief and heartbreak Alex was experiencing in this moment, shook her. It pained her to watch him cry over his brothers bloody body.

He didn’t deserve to lose Daniel. None of them did.

“I’m so sorry, Alex.” she whispers delicately with hand lifting to place a comforting hand atop his back, seeking to support him in the heart-wrenching moment.

Alex turns his head slowly to look back at her, his eyes tearful and his cheeks reddening with every passing second. “What happened?” he asks sombrely.

“He was trying to help us - to help Grace get out.” she mumbles guiltily with distant gaze, lowering to look at her fallen beloved. “Charity caught up with us, and she shot him, all because he was trying to protect us. I think she realised that he was choosing us over the family... it pissed her off.” She recalls numbly before the memories of the events that had taken place in those fatal moments rushed back.

Her eyes finally shed the tears they held, causing her cheeks to grow damp as they rolled slowly along them. Her head shook while her green eyes clenched shut in a weak effort to block the images from mind, though her attempts were futile. The memories were too deeply ingrained in her now.

“I’m sorry, Alex. I-“ her voice trembles with another strangled sob, “I couldn’t save him. I’m sorry. If I could take his place, I would, but I can’t... I can’t...’ her cries grow stronger and more guttural as she continues to mourn for the man she loves. The man she felt she had failed.

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