A Silver Locket

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“Who is this Sebastian?” a clear defined voice echoed throughout the small office. A boy with grey/ black hair stared at his raven haired butler with cobalt eyes.

“No one master.” The demon butler replied with a smooth tone. Unbeknownst to his master, the demon was frantic on the inside. Demons were not supposed to be able to comprehend human emotions, yet Sebastian did.

Damn these human emotions…

The raven-haired butler cursed under his breath as his master Ciel held a small locket by a silver chain that had been opened to reveal a picture. A picture of a (age) year old girl, her (H/L), (H/C) hair was curled in an elegant way. A small smile played at her (L/C) lips. An old fashioned (F/C) dress adorned her body in a fitting manner. She looked like a higher class civilian, but Ciel didn’t know any better.

When the demon butler was cleaning, his master, Ciel had snuck into his room due to the meowing that seemed to emanate from the room. As he went to investigate a small flicker of silver caught the young master’s eye. As he walked over to the shining object, he picked up a small locket that was resting on the bed stand next to the untouched bed.

“Demon’s don’t sleep, let alone have personal objects…so why would this be here?” With that question in mind Ciel quickly slipped it into his pants pocket and walked to his office swiftly to confront Sebastian.

And now they were here, Sebastian coolly looked at his master as he spoke.

“She is not important.”

“Do not avoid the question.”

“I am not avoiding it Master”

“Tell me the truth.” The small frame of the boy trembled with anger as he brought his fist down on the desk, the fragile locket made a clinking sound against the cherry wood. For a moment Ciel watched as the normally cool tempered Sebastian glare at him as his eyes flickered a bright red.

“This is an order Sebastian. Who is she? A sister? A past master? Just why would you keep this old piece of trash!?”

The demon looked at his master, eyes burning a crimson, he slowly strode closer to him. Simply caught off guard, the boy’s eye widened in shock at these actions. Cursing under his breath, Ciel then stood and turned around waving for his butler to leave.

“Wretched demon.”

 “She was not a sister; she was not a past master. That is all I have to say.”

With that statement the demon quickly left the room, placing the locket he had quickly snatched in his breast pocket as he made his way down the hall leaving Ciel in his office in a state of shock.


“David! Davidl! Don’t leave me here!” a female’s petrified voice rang out in the darkness. Dogs barking echoed throughout the cold winter night. That female’s voice belonged to a girl with (H/C) hair, who was stumbling through the snow. A black lace dress she wore was torn and ripped, tears streamed down from her (E/C) eyes. Her normally (L/C) was now a deep purple. Panic overtook the female’s body as she desperately tried to escape.

-End of Flashback-

Quickly the butler stopped in his tracks, he looked outside at the falling snow.

“So long ago my dear…” he softly spoke as he then proceeded to walk to his quarters, it was late. The sun had already set and nightfall was clearly past, the full moon shone brightly throughout the empty halls.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2014 ⏰

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