Chapter 4- Becoming Acquaintances {Edited}

Start from the beginning

"So...." Lacey dragged.

"So, what?" Keira asked puzzled.

"How'd it go yesterday?"

Keira went to her closet to retrieve her purse and coat. "Good and bad," she said from the closet.

"I knew I should have went, but why is that?"

"Mom was happy, Dad was mad but didn't show it but in the end forced Sean to marry me, I said yes, dad was finally happy. All is history," Keira smiled, coming out of the closet while putting on her jacket. "But other than that, everything was great."

Lacey shook her head. "Damn, I wish my family was just as entertaining as yours," she joked.

"Hell, you can have my father. He is officially on my hit list. My mom called last night to apologize for him and all it did was make it worst for him."

"That's crazy. A forced marriage," Lacey paused. "Well it's not like you're not attractive to him."

"What?!" Keira stopped to look at her friend. Lacey didn't respond because there was a knock on her door. "Come in."

Sean stepped through the door and took one hesitant look between Keira and Lacey and knew that they were gossiping about him. He didn't mind though. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were alone," he looked at Lacey.

"It's ok, Lacey was just leaving."

"Uh, no I wasn't," Lacey countered. Both women stared each other down until one of them broke. Which was Lacey. "Ugh, fine. I will call you tonight," She looked at Sean then back at Keira. "If you're not busy."

Keira watched her best friend slightly pelvic thrust. She smirked and signaled her to leave. Sean looked back to see Lacey wave and smile at him. Keira shook her head and began to shut down her computer.

"So, what can I do for you?"

"Actually nothing, I was just wondering if you were hungry," Sean said.

"Ever since I became pregnant its like I'm always hungry," she joked.

"Well on our way home, do you want to stop and get something?" He suggested

"Yeah, sure."

She turned the lights off in her office and waited for Sean to exit to close the door. Together, they took the elevator all the way down to the garage, where they both got in and drove to get something to eat from Subway on their way home. Well Keira's home, of course. It seemed like everything was 'theirs' as far as her house and his car was concerned. Keira didn't want to argue with him about that since she was on speaking terms with him and now and was giving him a chance. They still haven't talked about what was truly their's which was the baby.

Keira wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Boy or a girl?" She asked.


"Would you prefer a boy or a girl?" She repeated.

Sean shrugged. "I doesn't matter to me. As long as the baby is healthy. You?"

"Same here," she decided to change the subject since it wasn't going anywhere. "So how do you feel about Black Diamond so far?"

Sean leaned back in his chair and studied her. "Great so far. Especially since I meet this beautiful women."

Jealous hit Keira like a ton of bricks. Here he was, sitting at her dinner table with his future baby mama, talking about some other woman. She didn't want him to see it written all over her face so she decided to hold it in and play along. For now...

"Is that right."

"Yup," he carried on. "She's about 5'7 or 5'8, brown hair that passes her shoulder. Oh might I add she works at Black Diamond also." Keira was fuming. She had to find out who this mystery women was that was working with them. She knew everybody and nobody had brown hair except....

She blushed real hard and finally made the small connections that he was giving her." Oh, and did I mention she going to get fat in the next couple of months but that won't stop me from proving myself and having my way with her," Keira picked up her napkin and threw it at him.

"I won't be fat!" She disagreed. "I'll be thick."

Sean shook his head. "I'm just joking. You'll still be beautiful," he whispered. He took his trash and hers and went to discard it in the kitchen. When he came back Keira was sitting on the couch waiting for him. He plopped down next to her.

"So, how exactly do we do this," she said innocently. "Get to know each other exactly."

"You wasn't lying when you said you haven't been with the man in a while."

"Just don't have the time for games."

"I understand," he huffed.

Keira made herself more comfortable on the couch. "What about you?" She questioned. "Any girlfriends or crazy exes I should know about?"

Sean thought about that question before replying right away. "Um, no."

"Took you a long time to answer. Are you sure?" She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow and stared back at him.

He laughed. "Yes, I'm sure. I only have one women in mind."

Keira smiled and shook her head. "You sure have a way with words."

"I get that often," he said getting up. "Um, I'm going to be gone for a few days. Hopefully no more than two days." Disappointed was what Keira felt. They haven't been together that long but the thought of his presence not around her made her sad.

Sean notice her slight change of demeanor and a small pout that was casted on her face. "Hey, its ok. I'll be back in no time. Come walk me out?"

It was crazy how all of a sudden Keira was so drawn to Sean. She got up and followed him to the door. When they reached it, he quickly turned around and grabbed her close, kissing her sweet and tenderly. The passion built instantly and Sean explored her mouth with his tongue which increased the desire in Keira. He pulled back and she moan in frustration.

"We need to stop before I throw you on that couch and take advantage of you," he murmured.

"I wouldn't mind," Keira boldly purred. She rubbed her core on his front, that was straining against his trousers.

Sean was very tempted to take her up on her offer but he realized it was late and he had to pack for his trip. The more he looked at her lustful eyes, the more his body leaned into her. Keira wanted him and he definitely wanted him but there was no time to spare.

"Keira stop," he whispered softly. "I have to go." He reluctantly pulled away from her, leaving just enough room to kiss her on her forehead before making his way to her lips. "Bye beautiful." She moved away from the door to let him walk out, and closed it behind him.

Keira sighed, hoping that the next two days would be fast and easy. Why wouldn't they be. She had a life before she met Sean. So she would just have to suck it up and focus on her work to keep the sexy stallion out of her head.

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