“It's all right, Natalie. You know, I'm bisexual.” she threw in as if it was common simple knowledge. How did I not know this!?!? I gaped at her again before I attacked her with pillows.

“WHY! whack DIDN'T! whack YOU! whack TELL ME SOONER!” I yelled. She shrugged with a grin, and walked out of my room.

“You're going to be late if you don't hurry, Natalie! And knowing you, you won't want to go to school with a birds nest for hair!” she called over her shoulder.


* * *

Tola's p.o.v.

She seemed nervous in gym class, kind of quiet and jittery. I was acting like nothing was weird, but I was actually dying of nerves inside. Had I made things awkward by telling her?? Did she change her mind about accepting me?

“Tola, you're up to bat!” I heard Mr. Jacobson yell from the pitcher's mound. I quickly walked to the batting mound, and looked at the bat like it was a foreign object. I've never really played baseball before, but at least I have good hand-eye coordination.

“Don't worry if you miss the first couple times Tola, I know it's hard!” Mr. Jacobson called. I rolled my eyes and prepared the swing the bat, motioning with my chin for him to throw the ball.

Concentrating on focusing all my pent up frustration into the bat, I swung at the flying ball and sent it flying with a satisfying crack. Everyone on my team cheered as I jogged the bases. It's not like I needed to hurry, I hit it over the fence.

Going back to the bench, I sat down with a huff. Well that was boring.

“Good job.” Talie murmured before going back to being tensely silent.

I groaned in frustration. “Talie, is there something wrong? Did I do something? Is this about...” I asked, trailing off in the end.

Talie looked at me in surprise. “What? No! I'm just, you know, thinking about other stuff.” she replied. I studied her face, looking to see if she was lying. She looked like she had a lot on her mind, so I decided to drop it for now.

“So, I'm going to see a movie with James today at 8. Do you and Mikey want to come?” she asked. I froze and attempted to keep my facial expressions in check. She's going on a date with James? I mentally growled, but hurriedly put on a happy face.

“Yeah sure. Sounds good. After school today?” I asked. She nodded, and we left it at that.

 A few tense hours later, I sat unhappily in the back seat of Jame's black jeep, trying to NOT shoot daggers at the back of his head. Is it wrong to imagine feeding someone to a rabid shark when you don't even really know them?



Wait, can sharks even BE rabid? Is that even possible? Hmm... what if they got mad shark disease??? Haha mad shark disease... if only. I would totally love to have a rabid pet shark. I would name him... Alfred!!! And he shall be MY Alfred and I shall love him forever and he'll eat people on command!!!

... Taking him on walks would be fun...  

 (Author's note: Tola, you're mind is a truely frightening  place to be.... heh heh ME GUSTA! Back to the book :3)

“TOLA, ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME??” Mikey yelled in exasperation. I flinched at his volume and rolled my eyes.

“Sorry, must have zoned out. What were you saying?” I asked. He pouted before answering.

That Girl Changed Me (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now