The Ring

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Joeys POV:
"WHAT", Chandler let out a big scream. I rushed into the living room with a bat, there was nothing...He was just staring at the table. "Joey" he said In a soft voice. "What" I said, "I know are relationship is going really well but it's only been 2 months". He held up the ring... THE ENGAGEMENT RING! "Chandler it's not what you think!" He stared with his beautiful blue eyes. "Joey its-" "NO!, it's just for my friend randy he is getting engaged and I had to pick up the ring". "Oh" chandler said. But somehow he sounded a little down.. I thought he would be happy. I thought maybe if I did want to get married he would break it off because he doesn't like commitments. But, this gave me an idea. Since he doesn't wanna make a commitment I'll make one for myself. If we are together by New Year's Day I promise I'll propose to chandler bing when the clock hit 12!

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