Love and Laziness

Start from the beginning

"Would you mind if I removed the moose from your feet?"

"Sure," Sam mumbled sleepily. The massage was definitely doing the trick.

I slipped the slippers off and started implementing the techniques that I'd learned last night, but then I ran into some trouble. Sam wouldn't stop wiggling then I put all the pieces together.

"Sam?" I asked trying to suppress a giggle. "Are you ticklish?"

"Yeah, sorry that I didn't tell you, but I assumed that you'd never leave my feet alone if you knew."

I fake gasped. "Sam!? Do you really think that little of me?"

"So you won't tickle me?"

"I didn't say that..."

"Gabe," Sam said sternly.

"Okay, okay. I'll leave them alone...for today." Sam glared at me. I let out a heavy sigh "Alright, I won't tickle you." Once his feet were safely in his slippers, he instantly relaxed. The rest of the massage went by without incident. I let Sam relax on his own for a bit while I turned the bathroom into a steam room by running the hottest water that I could.

Sam relaxed in the "steam room" and I started working on lunch. My original plan was to make a tofu stir-fry, but then I found out that we were out of tofu. I though Sam had recently bought more, but apparently I was wrong since I couldn't find tofu anywhere. Instead of going out to buy more tofu, I decided to stare at the pantry until inspiration struck for a replacement meal.

Eventually, I decided to make grilled cheese and tomato soup. This combo is one of my favorite comfort meals that is still healthy enough for Sam to not turn his noise up at it. It's also super easy to whip up. Once the soup came to a boil, I turned off the burner and told Sam to get dressed. By the time he was done, I had everything plated up and I was on the couch waiting for him. "Here's lunch. Please don't make me feed it to you this time. What do you want to watch?" I asked.

"Don't laugh at me, but I have this urge to watch Pitch Perfect. I just need some a cappella right now," Sam muttered embarrassed.

I bit back a giggle, but I pulled up Pitch Perfect and we sat in silence as we enjoyed our food and let the music wash over us. The movie was over in what seemed to be an instant. We gave each other a knowing look and pulled up Pitch Perfect 2. Before I hit play I popped some more popcorn. During the minute and a half that passed Sam stole the blanket that I'd been snuggling.

"Really, Sammy? Well, since you stole my blanket you can't have any of the popcorn I was planning on sharing with you."

"I'm sorry, Gabe, but I was cold," Sam whined. I shrugged and hit play. About halfway though the movie Sam started inching towards me. I didn't notice right away because I was much more focused on the riff off happening on screen, but when he started kissing me I forgot all about the movie. It was a great moment until I realized that he was distracting me with the kiss so that he could steal some of my popcorn.

I yanked the bowl away from him and yelled, "Sam Winchester! I don't think I've ever been more betrayed in my life and that's saying something!"

Sam started to protest, but he decided that words would be basically useless in this situation. Instead he pulled out his secret weapon: puppy dog eyes. My heart immediately melted.

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