Part 1: Lust or Fear- which is Stronger?

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She spilled the beans all over the place. Helen Sharpe just discovered the biggest secret in New Amsterdam and had already released it into the hands of someone who would have it out into the world in the next hour or so. Sitting in her office, Helen stares at the phone, waiting for it to ring. She knew Valentina Castro was a sneaky bitch, but she never figured that even she would stoop so low as to make patient's cancer look worse than it was so she could experiment on them. Her office is silent, except for the ticking of her clock and the heavy beating of her heart. If this doesn't go the way she planned, she's going to have bigger problems than just Castro antagonizing her. This could shut down her whole Oncology department- let alone the possiblity of the Dam taking the hit. She should have talked to Max before going off on her own. He's supposed to be her safety net, right? Shouldn't he at least know if she needs him to be ready to catch her if she falls?

Taking her phone out, she dials Max's number. She knows it by heart now and just typing in the ten numbers calms her ever so slightly. Her body thrums in her seat and anxiety shakes her. She needs this to be okay. She needs him to say she's doing the right thing. The last few months have been hard for her. Losing her department and titles have really just sunk her ships. The only thing keeping her afloat is Max. He has been nothing but considerate and caring- as always. However, recently she feels their relationship turning. Into what? She doesn't know. He told her the other day that he favored her. He didn't deny it or even attempt to awkwardly change the subject. He just simply stated it as a fact for her to hear. Max has always said things that left Helen's stomach twisted and her heart in her throat. She'd be lying if she said it never got to her. That she doesn't feel anything for the man she calls Medical Director and whom she considers to be her best friend. For over a year now, she felt a twinge in her heart for that man. She had stuffed her feelings and thoughts of him deep down inside her because he was married and going to be a father. She lingered close by to treat his cancer, but it all became too much when he told her he loved his doctor and wanted her. She knows she probably took that out of context, but it still made her feel amazing- thinking about a man wanting her unconditionally and without motive.

"Hello? Sharpe?" He sounds breathless. What is he possibly doing at 9:30 at night that has him winded? It's not like Luna moves that fast. Changing her concerns over, she speaks to him quietly.

"Max, I need to tell you something important. Do you have the time?" She waits patiently. Normally he's running at the mouth, the second he picks up the phone. Telling her about something Luna did or how he made a really great joke and she needs to hear it.

"Um...not particularly. Can it wait until tomorrow?" He sounds different tonight. Like something is weighing on him. What could it be?

"I guess...sorry to bother you." She waits for him to say something cute or make an attempt to reassure her that she's okay in calling him.

"No problem. See you tomorrow." She doesn't even get to say goodbye before he hangs up the phone on her. Slumping in her chair, she stares at the file on her desk and wonders what tonight will bring. Her office phone rings and she immediately picks up.

"Hello, this is Dr. Helen Sharpe." She waits and then hears something disturbing on the other end.

"You better be careful what you say. Wouldn't want you getting hurt." She slams the phone down onto the receiver. The voice on the other end of the phone was unrecognizable. So deep and menacing, it sends shivers up Helen's spine. Does Valentina know what she did? Or is this an outside source warning her? The phone rings again and Helen picks up and just listens

"Hello? Helen?" Audra asks a bit nervously.

"Oh thank God. What do you have for me?" Helen asks, ignoring the twist in her stomach to just ignore this whole idea of burning Castro's research to the ground.

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