Chapter Twenty-Nine - Happy Hogan

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They reached the tulip field that Happy had told Peter about, following one of the walkways between the lines of flower beds. "Are you sure you're okay?" Peter asked for the umpteenth time.

"I'm fine, Peter." Clara repeated, shaking her head in disbelief; he had been the one hit by an object travelling over one-hundred miles an hour, not her.

"You looked like you were dying back there, Clara. What did he do to you?" He looked across at her and at the distressed expression she was holding.

I felt like it too, she thought. "It was those tablets he gave me in the car." Clara admitted. "I shouldn't've taken them; it was a stupid mistake."

The sound of an engine in the sky drew their attention, both stopping to look over their shoulders at the jet. "Was it poison? Are you okay now?"

"Peter, listen to me; I'm fine." She stressed to him. "I don't think it was poison, I think it was just a sedative. It just, you know..." She trailed off; he knew the rest.

The jet landed in front of them, petals flying from the flowers around it to bloom colourful confetti. "Peter? Are you okay?" Happy Hogan stepped out of the jet, starting towards the two teenagers.

"Peter." Clara said, holding up a hand and hand and showing him the faint lilac hue. "It could just be the plane but..." She trailed off.

"Happy, is that you?" Peter asked, suppressing the urge to run to the man and stopping in place with Clara by his side.

"Is it me-?" Happy asked himself, taken aback by the question. "Yeah, of course it's me."

"Stop!" Peter cried out, raising a hand, Clara flinching slightly at the volume of his voice. "Tell me something only you would know!"

"Uh, something only I would know..." Happy looked around him, as if something would give him an idea. "Remember when we went to Germany? You pay-per-viewed a video in your room. They didn't list the titles, but I could tell by the price it was an adult film at the front desk." Clara looked from the man to Peter, an eyebrow raised. Peter's eyes wide as he avoided looking her way. "And you didn't know how I knew-"

"Okay, okay, fine!" Peter waved his hand in front of him, beginning walking forwards again. "It's you! It's you, stop!"

Clara ducked down slightly so Peter could lift the arm he had draped over her. Peter moved away from Clara, picking up his pace and grunting slightly as he walked on his damaged leg. "It's so good to see you." He threw his arms around Happy, the man looking confused.

"Peter, you're gonna have to tell me what the hell's going on here." Happy told him. Clara caught up to them, stopping a few feet away. "And you're gonna have to tell me who this is."

Peter peeled himself away, looking back at Clara. "This is Clara. My, err... She was on my school trip." He blushed slightly, the reddening of his cheeks unnoticed by Clara who was more focused on the 'my, err-' part of the introduction. 

Happy looked even more confused. "And why are you two alone in a tiny town in the Netherlands?"

"Peter got hit by a high-speed train in Berlin and he ended up here so, naturally, I followed him." Clara answered, holding her bandaged arm against her chest as the pain worsened.

"Right, okay." He nodded. "And, uh, what is that around your hands?" He looked at them dubiously, pointing a finger her way.

"It's just interference from the jet." Peter answered for Clara.

"Interference?" Happy frowned, the two headed passed him towards the jet. "Wait, what are you talking about?" He called out, following after them as the reached the top of the steps.

They dipped inside, Happy staring at them expectantly, waiting for an answer. "Oh, er, she's magic."

"I'm not 'magic'." Clara said, looking incredulously at Peter. He raised his hands in mock defence. "I've just got some, you know, super-human abilities." She shrugged.

Peter looked to Happy. "She's magic." He reiterated matter-of-factly.

"I am not- Ugh." Clara groaned, crossing her arms over her chest and immediately regretting it as pain rippled through her forearm.

"Let me have a look at that." Happy led her to a chair, letting her sit on the foot stool in front of it. He unwound the bandages, Peter hovering over her shoulder. "Ouch." Happy commented.

"It looks worse than it is." She lied; it felt a lot worse than it looked.

"Well, it's bad enough to need stitches." He told her.

Clara looked up, seeing Peter glaring at her. "You said you were fine."

"I am fine."

"Clara- Obviously, you're not fine, otherwise you wouldn't need stitches!" He said, his voice becoming raised. Clara looked away from him wordlessly, Happy taking the needle and surgical thread from the first aid kit next to them.

She rested her arm on the table, watching as Happy prepared the rounded metal. "This is going to hurt." He told her. She braced herself, watching the needle moving towards the skin.

"Okay, what's that?" Happy asked, a little exasperation in his tone, tapping the point of the needle against a purple barrier and watching as it rippled

"Oh, sorry." Clara apologised, the shield vanishing as she did. Happy watched her with a raised eyebrow for a moment longer. She looked at different points in the room, trying to find a spot to focus on that would distract her but actively avoiding looking at Peter. "Ow!" She hissed, her arm twitching slightly as the metal pierced her skin.

"You need to stay still, otherwise I'm not gonna be able to do it." Maybe you not doing it would be for the best, Clara kept the thought to herself, trying to press her arm against the table to stop it moving. She found a spot on the floor to stare at, her jaw clenched as Happy continued working on her arm. "So, either of you going to tell me exactly what has happened?"

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