Chapter One - The Classroom

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Clara Wilson moved into the classroom with her head held high. She had seen so many new schools over the past five years and eight months, she had gotten used to feigning confidence in the face of adversity. The adversity, in this case, was this school being the second one she had joined in the last month.

Due to her parents' particular career - and since the blip had wiped half of the universe from existence - those left had to pick up the pieces. Clara's family specifically, had very specialised skills and talents that had been needed across the world in a time of dire need.

This didn't get to Clara, though. In fact, she quite enjoyed the travelling; she got to see new places, try new food, and meet new people. More importantly, if she ever embarrassed herself she'd only need to wait a few months and she'd be back on the road – or the sky or sea.

Walking into the classroom, she heard a small amount of chatter from each of the students scattered around the room. She glanced up at the monitor on the wall as she took a seat behind another student, a memorial to fallen heroes rolling onto the screen. "Gone, but not forgotten." A voice from the screen said once the short video had finished.

An explanation of the blip played through next, Betty Brant taking the lead speaking role with Jason Ionello beside her, butting in with his own opinions every so often. "I have a plan." A boy said, dropping heavily onto the seat next to the student Clara had sat behind. "Okay... First, I'm gonna sit next to MJ on the flight."

"Mm-hmm." His friend replied, Clara listening in as she absentmindedly looked over the textbook pages in front of her, not paying attention to the written words as she slowly flipped through it.

"Second, I'm gonna buy a dual headphone adaptor and watch movies with her the whole time." He rushed, his words almost morphing into one as he spoke.


"Three... When we go to Venice - Venice is super-famous for making stuff out of glass, right?"

"True." He agreed.

"So, I'm gonna buy her a Black Dahlia necklace because her favourite flower is the Black Dahlia, because of, well..."

"The murder."

"The murder." He confirmed. "Four... When we go to Paris, I'm gonna take her to the top of the Eiffel Tower, give her the necklace, and then, five... I'm gonna tell her how I feel. And then six, hopefully she tells me she feels the same way."

"Don't forget step seven." His friend interjected.

"Step seven..." The first to speak held his pen above his page to begin a new note.

"Don't do any of that." The second said bluntly, his friend's expression dropping into an unamused scowl.


"Because we're gonna be bachelors in Europe, Peter."

"Ned..." Peter groaned, his head tipping back in frustration.

"Look, I may not know much, but I do know this... Europeans love Americans." Peter and Clara both shot Ned a questioning look but Clara was out of sight to the both of them, so her expression passed by unnoticed. She shook her head gently, reminding herself not to listen in to other people's conversation as she looked down to the textbook on her desk.

"Really?" Peter asked sceptically.

"And more than half of them are women!" Ned appealed. Clara had to admit, this was true. Still, the fact stood that the whole 'Europeans loves Americans' part was a bit of a stretch. She should know, she is one.

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