Chapter 8- Look Away

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The need to quantitate has put center stage
Regret, remorse, regard
Crazed and calm with a sinners psalm
Memories lose their art. So I
Circle thoughts with centered eyes
That stare without ever seeing
But it's getting dim and just before any
Reasons can be revealed, I fall

Bakugo and toga walked around and found a building.

"this one, this is it," Toga said pointing at it, a few others were there to back them up which included Iida Deku, and Todoroki.

The students looked at each other and each let out a sigh to release the tension that was both in their muscles and their minds. They knew they needed to push through even though they were scared. They walked into the building seeing as it was very dark but they saw Kirishima, which promptly each student told themselves to rush to as iida did. he yanked on the chains right as all for one came in. 

Iida obviously dodged his attack and the others ganged up on one for all todoroki shooting ice causing iida to go into hydroplane and hit a lever that seemed to power something on, they all looked at the big dragon head-shaped machine but it looked broken so they continued to attack all for one. Todoroki noticed the head was charging up as the other villains came to attack and dabi began to attack todoroki while the dragon head charged up and got ready to shoot the beam. Iida took notice of this and used his engineers to super speedily run to todoroki and push him out of the way.


A big white beam hit right where iida was standing, the heros looked on in horror as the villans just merely smiled as the beam cleared out , iida was fine but he fell and tried to get up , his eyes multicolored in a shade of purpleish blue with hints of red in the pupil and small wings that yet looked like a ravens , iida looked confused the villans handed him gloves , confused iida of course put them on and the villans grabbed him.

"HEY! " Bakugo while this was happening blew up the wall in front of the door they were supposed to go through creating rubble in front of the door.

Iida seemed to be even more confused, did he even know what happened?
Shigi shook his head and threw the keys at bakugo "Get lost heroes,  we've got what we wanted" shigiraki placed his hand on the rubble causing it to decay and dragging iida along, before they could get him away though  todoroki iced the door separating iida from the rest of the villans and severing one of the villans arm in the process. 

He then walked up to the very confused iida "Hey... you ok there prez?" 

Iida looked confused even more. "What do you mean am i ok? what happened??"
Iida seemed to forget what happened before all of this. Todoroki then touched iidas wings they were firey for sure,  like a dim pheonix. 

Todoroki then looked at iidas calves and saw that they were almost not there.

the other heros walked up to the two "What happened?" Bakugo asked

"I think they may have shoved a unwanted quirk into a hero." todoroki said sighing "From the glove thing, it might be simmilar to overhaul , i think theyre trying to get someone with overhaul on their side.."

"but for what?" toga asked

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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