Shy Deku x Tsundere!Fem!Reader

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• You both met back when you were in middle school

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• You both met back when you were in middle school.

• Deku developed feelings for you not long after you both had your first conversation. You could hardly understand him through all of his stuttering and murmuring.

• Soon enough you both started to get to know each other, then you started catching feelings for the smol shy boy. But you're never going to let him know that. Rejection was always a fear of yours when it came to stuff like this, so you'd rather pretend you didn't care.

• Because of his shyness and your stubbornness you both didn't confess until you got into UA.

You were on your way to class, books in hand. You were already in a bad mood because you woke up late and didn't have time to organize your stuff properly. The last thing you wanted right now was more annoyances. Right before you walk into the classroom, you hear Midoriya and Ururaka's voices. You stopped yourself from reaching for the door handle and listened.

You've always were jealous of Ururaka. The first day Midoriya and her met, he  just couldn't stop blushing whoever he was around her. "Of course he likes her. She's way cuter than I am, and not as stubborn." You thought before sighing. But your thoughts were proven wrong when you heard:

"Why don't you just tell her how you feel already?" Uraraka asks Midoriya, who was starting to regret telling her and Iida how he felt about you. He sighs deeply before answering. "Well, I have a feeling she doesn't like me like that." You leaned in closer to the door. If he doesn't have a crush on Ururaka, then who? "Well you'll never really know until you ask Midoriya." Iida chimes in. "Yeah! You never know, maybe she's does like and she's just as shy as you. Maybe that's why she hasn't said anything." Ururaka said hopefully.

"I-I guess you're right. But then again you might be wrong. But I can't stand it anymore!" Midoriya says frustratingly. "I'll just have to m-man up and tell her." You didn't want to hear anymore. "Fine, like who you want. See if I care." You silently said as you started to open the door before Midoriya opens quickly. "(Y-Y/n)!?" He stammers. "H-how long were you standing there?" You just shrug and moves past him and sat in your seat. You lean your head on your hand and glare down at nothing.

Midoriya was going to ask you what was wrong before Aiwaza walks in to start class. He would have to wait and ask you later.

As soon as class was over you hurried to gather your things and storms out of the classroom. Midorya, of course chased after you. "(Y/n)! Wait up (Y/n)!" You ignored him and walked faster until you started running. But because of Midoriya's training, he caught up with you. He grabbed your shoulder to stop you in place. You glare back at him, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. "What do you want?" You spat.

"Are you alright (Y/n)? You look like you're about to cry." You jerked away from him and wiped your eyes. "I-I'm not crying! That's your thing remember!" Now you were just embarrassed. "(Y/n), please tell me what's wrong. Did...did I do something to upset you?" You sniffled and looked away from him. "No." You muttered. "Then what is it?"

"Why are you even wasting time right now Midoriya? Don't you have a girl to confess to!?" You snapped. Midorya went wide eyed. "So you did hear..." You sniffled again. "I heard enough." You were about to walk away before he stopped you again. "Give it a rest you already!"

"You didn't hear enough apparently." He ignored your sharp tone. You looked at him confused. "(Y/n)...that girl I have to confess to is you." You felt your heart stop. "M-me?" You barely got out. "Yeah. I've actually liked you for a while. I was just too cowardly to admit it." Midoriya rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. Your face turns red, you look away from him so he couldn't see. "W-W-Well! It's about time you confessed dummy!" You squeaked. Midoriya chuckles. "Sorry (Y/n). So, do you feel the same?"

"Of course I do you idiot!" You stomped your foot down. "I guess I was too shy to admit it too." You muttered. Midoriya smiles and hugs your tightly. "I'm so glad!" He says happily. You couldn't help but smile too, wrapping your arms around him you sigh in relief. "Me too." You muzzle into his shirt comfortingly.

(Ahh I still don't know how to end one shots! But I hope you enjoyed anyway!)

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