We turned to look over at them, they were carrying bottles of alcohol with them.

"Oi P'! You're not planning to drink all of these today...are you?"Awin asked.

"Hmm..why not? We have all day.."Alin replied.

We set up the table with some stools and opened the first bottle. We immediately raised a toast and chugged the first glass.

"So spill Tharn... why did you reject  our precious Ran?"Alin asked.

"Believe it or not, if my lover didn't make it up to me that night then I would've said yes to him. But I guess,the universe had different plans for us"I said, as I pat Awin's back.

"Oi P', stop teasing me"he said, feeling embarassed.

"I know right?I can't believe my own brother has fallen for our Ranran"Alin said, as she pinched Awin's cheeks.

"P'Alin, that hurts!"Awin  whined as he then rubbed his cheeks.

"That reminds me Kara, how was that party that your parents dragged you along?Was it boring?"Alin asked.

"Hmm... not too bad.I met someone, he was fun and interesting. His name is Type"Kara answered.

Instantly, her answer caught my attention.

"Excuse me, but was that your parents reunion?"I asked Kara.

"Yeah,that's right. Why?"she asked,looking at me. As if she expected a different reaction from me .

"Hmmm..is this Type,cute then?"Alin asked.

"Yeah, very cute"she answered.

"Oh... so he's your type then?"Alin raised her eyebrows.

"Hmmm..maybe"she replied.

"No, you can't"me and Alin both said in unison.

Me and Alin both looked at each other  once we both answered the same thing.

"You heard it,right Type?"Kara said.

I looked to where she was looking at and was surprised to see him..

I looked to where she was looking at and was surprised to see him

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"Loud and clear"Type said.

"What?Kara,what is this about?"Alin asked.

"Relax babe, I am not cheating on you. Type is Tharn's boyfriend"Kara replied.

"Huh? You-"I point to Kara then to Alin "and you are..."I began but Kara cut me off.

"Yes, she's my lover... for 3 years. And you are Type's right?"she said.

I look at Type.

"Are we?"I asked him.

"Guys, can I steal him away for a bit. I just need to talk to him"Type said.

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