chapter nine: The Gate (p2)

Start from the beginning

I could see him waking up, and he looked straight at me and said, "Nancy?" Ouch. That one hurt. I love being called my boyfriends, ex girlfriends name. Mike looked at Steve with a "really dude?" face. I zoned out again as the told Steve what happened. Suddenly I felt a weird buzzing in my head and my breath quickened. What the hell?!?! I ignored it and swallowed hard, trying to get the feeling to go away, but it never did.

Max sped up her driving and we were in the junkyard within minutes. We got suited up (is suited a word 😂) and I was talking to Max trying to push that weird feeling away. That's when we went into the underground part of the junkyard. There were like white orbs everywhere. It was probably a health hazard to be down here for a while.

We were walking through the tunnels and Mike led the way. That weird buzzing was still happening but I pushed it aside, this was more important than a little headache.

"Guys, come on. Keep moving," Steve said. We were trudging through the rough terrain when Dustin abruptly stopped walking. I look at him and furrowed my eyebrows. He looked up at something, and I followed his eyes.

"What the hell?" He whispered. It was some weird pink purple glowing thingy and it was.... throbbing? Why was it throbbing? Then it squirted out this weird liquid substance on us and we screamed.

"Dustin! (Y/N)! What happened?" Steve asked us.

"It's in my mouth! Some got in my mouth! Shit!" Dustin continuously cursed. I didn't get any in my mouth, or on it, but the buzzing feeling suddenly got 10 times worse and I felt nauseous. That's when I took of my bandana and threw up away from everyone. I felt a comforting hand on my back as I vomited my organs. I wiped my mouth and looked up at the person. Steve.

"I'm okay," I nodded at him, but he didn't seem to believe me. We weren't too far away from anyone so we got back to the kids quickly. As we kept walking the buzzing got to its worst point and I felt like I was going to pass out, but I had to keep going. For Will. To save Will.

We started burning some parts and I suddenly got really angry. I took Steve's lighter before he was about to throw it into the main thing of tunnels and I lit my hand on fire. I felt like I wasn't even in control of my own body when I threw back the lighter with my other hand, rubbed both my hands together (engulfing then both in flames) and pushed my hands outwards as the flames from my hands started going into the main part of the tunnel. (Like what El does when she closes the gate.) I no longer had the fire in my hands as it was now burning everything else down there.

"Holy shit." Max said. That's the last thing I remember before I blacked out.

~Time skip to where they're out of the tunnels~

I was in Mike's arms when I woke up, and I was quick to jump out of them when I regained consciousness. That buzzing feeling went away.

"What the hell happened?" I asked them.

"Well, you kind of blew everything down there in flames and saved everyone's asses," Lucas explained. Cool. I'm like, a hero. Everyone got into Billy's car and we drove to Joyce's house. Everyone was okay. Hopper and Eleven were there too. Everyone was happy. Everything was okay.

~Another time skip to everyone getting ready for the dance brought to you by Steve & (Y/N, best parents of 1984)

The telephone on my nightstand rang and I picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked waiting to see who the other person was.

"Hey (Y/N)! It's me, Steve."

"Ohhhh, hey Steve," I replied.

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