
835 23 16

'september 28th

it's the day of auditions for the play : high school musical. back then i wanted to audition for gabriella so bad, but my nerves got the best of me and so i auditioned for taylor instead. i know you might be scared playing such a big role in a school play, but i have a feeling that some things might change if you get this part. i promise you won't regret it."

"aghh im so nervous kourt.." nini mumbles while kourtney twirled her hair around the curling wand.

"girl, stop shaking or i'll burn you. also you're one of the most talented people i know, if you don't get that part i'm gonna have to throw hands. you were literally born to play gabriella. but even if you don't get it who cares? at least you won't have to do rehearsals with ej 24/7." the coily haired girl laughs at her own little joke and shakes her head.

nini smiles at her best friend. whether it came from being aggressive and sassy to being her number one hype girl, kourtney always knew how to make her feel better. 

as soon as kourtney walks out of the dressing room, nini grabs the letter from her bag again.

'oh yeah, i forgot to mention this before but that day, i fell in love with ricky. i never realized until it was too late. hopefully seeing this makes you realize sooner.'

she reads that single sentence over and over again, blinking repetitively. 

fell? in love? perplexed and quite shocked, nini puts the letter back into her backpack and walks into the audition room, her face remained dumbfounded. she never experienced something like that before. sure, she had a few crushes here and there. occasionally she'd even admit to "loving" a celebrity, like perhaps harry styles. but that wasn't love love. 

"hello theatre people!!" miss jenn walks into the room and claps her hands, interrupting nini's thoughts, "you all will be on stage soon for your audition so please get ready."

nini frantically turns to ej who had been staring at her for a while, since she did walk into the room all zoned out, not saying a word, "oh my god do i look okay? is there shit in my teeth? ej i-"

"you're doing the british accent again." ej smiles at her and pats her head.

"ugh i am, aren't i?" she shook her head, whilst still doing the british accent, "i'm just so nervous."

ej grabbed grabs her shoulders, and ruffles her hair, making it a mess, "dude, you'll do just fine. when i get troy's part we can be a theatre couple or something."

assuming he was joking as usual, nini laughs and hits him on the shoulder, "player."


"okay everyone get into your positions for warm up and pose on eight.
FIVE-SIX-SEVEN-EIGHT." miss jenn clasps her hands together as she yells at all the students auditioning.

miss jenn was a totally different person now. in class she doesn't bother teaching them anything. but on stage, she takes things seriously.

during the break in between warm up one of the girls auditioning started bragging about how she was gonna get gabriella and how she memorized the whole entire script and said it in her sleep.

"what's her name again? nora? pfft she's all talk. watch her brag about all of this and not even get the part," kourtney scoffs.

"she's giving me very much roach." carlos joins the conversation out of nowhere and tosses his non-existent long hair away from his shoulders, "trust me neens, she's like a puppy, all bark and no bite."

wondering , rini (discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang