The four of you walk closer to the dorm building. Your boyfriend’s large hand snakes downwards, gripping onto your much smaller one. When you go to look up at him, he averts his gaze almost bashfully. It makes you laugh softly, giving his hand a soft squeeze before he lets go with a smile.

“I’ll show you to your room, okay?” The tall boy says with an unchanging expression.

Another large and blinding smile comes over your face as you nod. “I’d love that. Can you help me arrange my room a little bit, too?” You ask, hoping you don’t sound too needy.

“Of course.” He says, his monotone voice being something you’re used to.

Kirishima runs up the concrete stairs without much thought. Ojiro follows him, as do you and Shoji. The two in front open the large door, allowing your boyfriend and you to enter the lit common room. It was lively, a few people rummaging around with smiles on their face as they begin to talk to each other. The class is too busy having fun and loud conversations to notice you coming in.

That is, until Kirishima shouts, giving away your presence. “Hey, Mina, look who’s here!” He pats you on the back firmly, causing you to nearly drop your phone that you had just grabbed out of your pocket.

The group turns their heads quickly, their eyes all widening as smiles light up most of their faces. Suddenly, you’re bombarded with greetings, even a hug from Mina. Everyone starts to ask you questions, mostly as to how you got into the hero course so easily. A few kids hang back, such as Bakugou and Tokoyami. The two boys exchange glances, though the hot-headed blonde averts his eyes much quicker than he normally would. His crimson watch lingers over you much longer than the boy would like to admit. A smile then comes to his face as the group around you disbands, Kaminari and Shoji leading you to your room.

“My room is right across from yours!” The yellow-haired boy shouts while patting you on the back like Kirishima did. “And Shoji, you’re right next to me.”

He nods. “I know, I was here earlier this morning.” His monotone voice says to his energetic friend.

You raise an eyebrow, looking at the two boys. “Who else is on our floor?”

“Bakugou and Mina.” They both say in unison, looking at each other in surprise.

Attempting to suppress a laugh, you cover your mouth with the back of your thumb. “And which floor are we on?”

The two pause before looking at each other understandingly. “Fourth.” Once again, they whip their heads to look at each other after speaking simultaneously for the second time.

You can’t help but laugh this time, climbing the stairs while putting a hand on your stomach. “You’re both dorks.” Your teeth bite down on the soft skin inside your mouth, the pink flesh of your inner cheek being gnawed on nervously. There was something about climbing the stairs of the dorm building that you’d be staying in all year that made you increasingly more apprehensive. Sure, moving into this room was great, and it meant that you wouldn’t have to pay rent anymore, but you’d still have to pay for schooling. Aizawa and All Might told you not to worry about most of the legalities, but you still had to pay for certain textbooks, training gear, and other school related things you didn’t need before. For example, you didn’t even have a backpack.

When you finally snapped out of your daze, you realized Kaminari was no longer with you. It was just you and Shoji now. The two of you stood outside a room with your name on a small silver sheet in a little slot. Your eyes scanned it, reading it aloud. “(L/n), (F/n).” Suddenly, your eyes well with tears as you look up at Shoji. For a moment, his eyes fill with panic, as if he doesn’t know what to do, nor say. Though, the distress soon dissipates when you speak. “This is all I’ve ever wanted.”

"honesty and grace" (Mezo Shoji X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now