Prologue: The Old Man

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1120 A.B.            - Vuelissean Castle Entrance -

As rain falls upon the rigid walls of the castle.

Everyone present has been warned to stay indoors as mages detect an incoming storm that could bear danger to those who come in contact with it.

The King of Vuelisse was the last one to enter the castle before closing up.

He began searching the whole area from within his vision if there is anyone who is need of help.

Before he enters, a lantern has glowed out a very peculiar color that doesn't very common, and a yelp of a person in need can be heard from a distance.

The King, who is weary that the storm could arrive in any blink would make it dangerous for him to go outside but yet his role to protect and provide anyone in need, has not become hesitant and decided to go for the man.

"My liege! The storm is by the border and is swift in its approach.  You must return!" Said the  worried butler.

"Don't worry! Lock up all gates. I will take basement door. I must protect everyone!" The King expressed with courage.

As the waiter grunted, he couldn't defy the orders of the King. He ordered all guards to lock up the gates while the King sprinted for the light.

As the king approaches the light, He swore he has heard a yelp. He began searching until he stumbled upon an old man holding a lantern stick.

The King uttered "Sire, are you alright? You seem famished....and feeble too! May I escort you to the castle?". The old man replied "Oh! Why thank you, young fellow."

The King began carrying the old man along with his cane then rushed for the basement door. The King started locking up the door until it is fully shut.

The King provided the old man with a sizeable amount of food and started up the furnace to warm things up. The old man seems overwhelmed with the offerings the King bestowed to him.

The old man mumbled a sweet 'thank you' to the King which the King truly appreciated. The King began to question the old man's sudden appearance at the grand garden.

The grand garden is a pristine place and is open to the public, but he couldn't believe someone would stay at the garden at such a dangerous time. He kindly asked the old man of the situation.

The old man stood quiet for most of the time but the King knows something is amiss of the old man as he refuses to take off the hood he wears. Still, the King sees the senior's feeble body so it would be a safer threat to handle.

The old man then finished the leftover bread he bit off. He began to speak in a rather low tone, "I admire your charity and determination to not kill me yet even though I may look suspicious."

"In return, I have an offer to bargain you with. Nothing special, nothing ordinary, but may become of use when the Goddess sees to it may help."

"Are you willing to spare your time to hear my tale?" The old man requested. The King has yet to verify the old man's origins but he is very curious of what he might say may determine his origins.

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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