Phoom's cheeks were dusted pino when Dome pats both of his cheeks and also he felt warm seeing the other prince finally smile.

"Yes your highness, I'll take good take of Tee." Tae said and smiled.

Dome bowed a little and he made sure he can keep a good eye on his cousin.

Moments later, the training started and Dome was sitting on the porch on his own. He watch the others train and kept a close eye on his cousin who was training with Tae.

Tee was not liking what he was doing even a single bit. He hated it so much and he was not comfortable with Tae handling him.

"Can you please not do that?!" Tee barks angrily and threw his sword on the ground.

"What did I even do?" Tae asked and Tee glared at him before storming off.

The others were shocked about what just Tee did and Dome stood up shakily and tried to walk but his legs gave up on him.

The impact hurts and he felt so pathetic that he wanted to cry. He never felt so weak and vulnerable before.

The others were frozen on their spot. Godt was torn between running after Tee or helping Dome. He felt a tug on his hand and saw Bass staring at him.

"Phi..." He was losing his mind. He turned to look at the prince but the summer prince was already there helping him up.

"No... don't cry." Phoom said and made a face when he saw the welled up tears on Dome's eyes.

Dome stared at the other male's eyes to search for pity, disgust or anything but one thing he saw was something familiar but he can't really tell what is it.

The way Phoom looks at him is the same way as his Dad looks at his Mom.

"Are you hurt somewhere?" Phoom asked and hoisted Dome up and made him sit on the chair.

Dome shook his head and stared at the direction where Tee headed to. Godt was nowhere to be seen and he guessed Godt ran after Tee.

What is it this time...

Dome heaved a sigh and rubbed his temples he really wants to take a rest and Phoom might have noticed it so he carried Dome into the guestroom and laid him on the bed.

Ben was staring at Earth who was blankly looking at Bass and Nine. Ben shook his head and tapped the fairy's back which startled Earth.


"You are almost breaking the bow." Ben said and Earth raised his brow. He was about to say something but the bow snapped. Hurting him in the process.

"P'Earth!" Nine and Bass ran to Earth who was rubbing his sore forehead.

"Were you two hurt? Let me see your hands." Earth said softly to Nine and watched his hands.

"Phi, it was you who was hurt..." Nine said softly while staring at Earth's worried face.

"Your hands are red..." Earth said softly and Nine shook his head.

"This is nothing. Your forehead has a small cut..." Nine frowned and Earth smiled.

"Hey, its nothing." He said and Nine shook his head and healed the small cut on Earth's forehead.

Now Ben knows Earth was the type of person who would care look after others before his self.

"Something wrong your highness?" Earth asked Ben who was staring at him.

"Oh nothing... its just that..."

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