Bular x human reader part 2

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*Your POV*

Me, Jim, and the rest of the gang hurried to this "Trollmarket." When we got under the bridge, Claire took out a glowing crystal and I stared in awe. Jim stopped Claire and turned to me and said, "(Y/N), I need to stay close to us as possible, because there are some trolls down there who are not so friendly." "Yeah, they all started crowding us when me and Jimbo first came and one tried to kill him once!" Toby said. Jim replied, "Yeah, but he's my friend now." Claire said in worry, "Guys, come on! Bular is still out there looking for (Y/n) and I have feeling that he knows we are taking her to!" "Claire's right! We need to hurry up before Bular finds us and take our friend away!" With that being said, Claire used the glowing crystal and made a semicircle. She touched it and it opened a portal! I gasped softly as the portal opened. "Ladies first." Toby said and smiled. I giggled as I walked in. When I got when so did the rest of the gang and the portal closed behind us. I saw a blue, glowing crystal staircase and my eyes were opened with excitement. We walked down the staircase and it took forever! My legs ached as we reached the bottom of the stairs. "Finally!" I groaned. "Yeah, it takes forever." Claire responded as she put her hand on my shoulder. I smiled and kept walking with the others. As we got to the entrance of Trollmarket I gasped as I saw a huge glowing orange crystal and trolls walking about. Jim smiled and said, "Welcome to Hearthstone Trollmarket, (Y/n)!" As he welcomed me we started to walk again to find this Blinky and AAARRRGH. Different kinds of Trolls stared at me in shock. One make troll asked, "Another human?!" Toby walked up to him and said, "It's ok she's a friend!" I smiled as Toby defended me and we kept walking. We reached this library and it was filled with books! Jim and the others walked away, but Jim turned around and said, "Stay here, we are going to find our other friends and introduce them to you." I smiled as he walked out with the gang. I decided to explore the library. I found this troll book and opened it. It was filled with letters I didn't understand so I looked at the pictures. As I flipped through the pages, I stopped to find one drawing of a troll that looked like Bular, except it was different. I tilt my head as I examined it. Then I heard a deep chuckle and i quickly got up. "Looks like someone is interested in the books." A deep voice growled and I looked around to see who or what it was. Then out of a dark corner, came a troll. He was pale and he had cracks all over him and had one eye. He smiled as he looked at me, I was about to scream for help, but he covered my mouth and said softly, "Shhhh, little human, Shh. I won't hurt you." He jerked his hand from my mouth and he was about to say something else, but a another voice came in, "Angor, stop scaring the poor girl!" A blue troll came in and he looked odd. He had four arms and six eyes. Another one came in and he was huge, the size of Bular! He had a green mane, green eyes, and a short tail. Soon, the gang came in and Jim sighed as he saw the troll named Angor and said, "Angor, have you been in here the entire time?" He replied, "I was just mining my own business, until I found this girl reading one of the books." Toby then said, "Buddy, our friend here has been chased by Bular man, give her some space!" Angor's eye was wide with shock and so we're the other two. The blue one said to Jim, "Master Jim! That's impossible! You have killed him remember?" Claire said to the troll, "Yeah, but he must have survived!" Then two other trolls came in. One was old and had a white mane and had horns, like a goat! The other was blue and had a prosthetic arm and had red eyes that fade in yellow. Toby looked at them and said, "Oh hey Vendel and Draal!" The troll Draal nodded at him, but the other, Vendel, just grunted and said, "What is the meaning of this-" Before he could finished, he looked at me with shock and said, "Another human?! Trollhunter, why did you bring another one, here?!" He looked at Jim, eyes with fury and explained about Bular and me and everything. Draal and Vendel's eyes were wide with shock. "Trollhunter, I thought you killed him!" The troll Draal said. Angor said to draal, "Yes, but the look in his eyes can tell the truth." I got up and said, "Can someone tell who these guys are?!" Everyone stopped talking and looked at me. Jim then said, "Okay, I'll tell you." He and the others explained who the trolls are and about this event called the Eternal Night happened and about Angor was bad at first, but he joined them as the battle of Arcadia ended. They also told me about Bular's father, Gunmar and how Jim killed him. As they were done explaining, my eyes were opened with shock. Blinky then said, "Master Jim, I think the girl should stay here tonight." I then replied to him, "It's (Y/n), thanks and can Bular get in here?" I said with worry. AAARRRGH then said, "Bular can't get in. (Y/n) safe with us!" Jim then said, "Angor, will you guard her tonight, while me and the others search out for Bular?" Angor smiled and replied, "Of course Hunter. I will do my best to protect the young girl." He put a hand on my shoulder. Jim smiled at him and said to the others, "Okay, we need to go out and search for Bular, so he won't get (Y/n)!" The others nodded and Vendel said, "I shall stay here and find out how Bular survived." Then, he walked out. The others turned to leave me with Angor and Jim said to me, "Don't worry, Angor won't hurt you and Bular won't find you here." Then he left with the others. It was just me and Angor. I sat down on the floor. Then, Angor sat next to me and started to carve some totems. I glanced at him and looked to the floor. He then said to me, "(Y/n)?" I looked at him and said, "Yeah?" He replied, "You'll be safe here, I promise." I smiled and he smiled. I asked, "Angor, how did you get those marks on you and how did you lost your other eye?" He then explained about how he lost his soul centuries ago and everything that has happened after that. I stared at him and asked with fear, "You k-k-killed Trollhunters?" He looked at me with worry and took both of my hand and said, "Used to, not anymore. Don't worry, I will protect you." I smiled and putted my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. Angor looked at me with shock and the smiled. He nuzzled into my hair and then I fell asleep.

*Bular's POV*

I woke up and started to plan on how to find that human girl. I paced back and forth on all fours. Then a heard a twig snap. I snapped my head around, to find my father's adviser! He kept walking, until he bumped into me. "Oh! Who goes there?!" I snorted and replied, "I'm right here, Dictatious!" His eyes were wide with shock and I could see he was blind. He said with surprise, "Bular?! Is that you?" I replied, "Yes, it is." "How in the world did you survived?" He asked. "I just did." I answered. He nodded and said, "Bular, I have bad news." I then started to worry. "Is this about my father? Is he alright?! Is he-" I asked and try to finish, but the blind troll cut me off and replied, "Bular, your father is....dead." My eyes were wide with shock and then sadness took me over. Tears were falling down my cheeks. I then roared in fury and punched a tree, breaking it in the process. "HOW?!! WHO KILLED MY FATHER?!!!" I asked in fury, while tears were streaming from my eyes. Dictatious replied with grief, "The Trollhunter!" I roared again. I couldn't remember the last time I cried, when my mother died, but I couldn't help it. I hadn't see my father in centuries, now I'll never get the chance to see him again. I wiped the tears away and sighed. I whispered with a growl, "That Trollhunter will die by my hand!" Then I remembered the girl that found me. I needed to find her. I turned to Dictatious and said, "Dictatious, a human girl found me and...." "And?" He asked. "And I think I am in love?" I said, while rubbing my neck. He was surprised and asked, "What? But you eat them, not fall in love with them!" "I know, but it was different. I must see her!" He stopped me before I could find her. "Wait! You need to find a way to get into the sun!" He was right! I would burn in it! I turned to him, crossed my arms over my chest, and asked, "Alright, what do you suggest?" He then explained that he would find some clothes for me and brew up a potion that would turn me into a human. I smirked at the plan, and said to him, "Then get to it! And no delays!" He nodded and ran off to who knows where. I went into my cave and sighed. I layed my head on my arms. Then I fell asleep.

*Your POV*

I woke up to see that Angor was reading a book. I looked to see what book he was reading. He was reading a book about himself, killing Trollhunters! He frowned at every page and chapter. He looked at me and I looked away, blushing. "Is there something wrong?" He asked. I looked to him and replied, "Nothing." He must have noticed that I was lying, but he went back to reading. I got up and Angor stopped reading and stopped me before I could leave the room. He said, "The Trolls out there are not friendly to strangers. Let me go with you." He took my hand and lead me outside the library. We walked through the crowd and the trolls kept staring at me. The mostly stared at Angor in fury. "Why are they staring at you like that?" I asked. "Because I once broke in here and killed some of their friends." He replied with guilt and regret in his voice. I felt bad for him. We then arrived at the entrance of Trollmarket. He grabbed his horn-gazel and Drew a doorway out. I saw the sun shining out. Before I could exit, he took my hand and stopped me. "Be careful and don't go into the forest. And please visit again soon." I smiled and nodded. He smiled and went back in to Trollmarket. The portal closed and I sighed. "Looks like you got yourself a boyfriend!" I turned and saw Toby and I yelled, "Hey!" He chuckled. We both then ran to school.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2020 ⏰

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