Angor Rot x human reader Part 2

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*Your POV*

I woke up to see Angor left me in his nest. I thought that this is my chance to leave and go home. But before I got up, I saw bandages on my legs. Angor must've done this while I slept, I thought. I got up and realized that I can walk better now! I tried walking a few feet away from the nest to test to see if my legs work. They did!! I smiled and started to leave Angor's "room" and set off to find a way out of the sewers. Then I heard groaning. I went to see where the groaning was coming from and I saw him! I saw Angor standing there, groaning, looking at the wall, with something on his back. I went to him and waved my hand in front of him to catch his attention, but nothing worked. Then he banged his head against the wall and I ran so he couldn't see me. I saw a glowing ball coming out of the side of his horn and it giggled. Angor was furious and yelled at the glowing, yellow orb and yelled at it, "Enough of this madness!!" Then he crushed it with his hand! It screeched as it died and I stared at him in horror and gulped. He mumbled something in some sort of language and went off to who knows where. Once he left, I started to walk again to find a way out of here. Then I found a sewer hatch and opened it. I was free at last! I smelled in the Arcadian air and smiled. I am out of that stink hole! But then, I felt guilty. I left Angor down there, after all he done for me! I snapped away from my thoughts as I head home. When I got home, I knocked on the door and saw my mother opening it and gasped. She quickly threw her arms around me and I embraced her back. She asked as she held me tight, "Darling, where were you, I was worried!" I replied, "Mom, I was just lost and now I'm here." I hate it when I like straight into my mother's face. I was so happy to see her! But when my dad came to the door, I frowned. My father drinks and sometimes hits me and Mom when he gets angry. Dad was furious and yelled, "(Y/N), where were you?!!" Mom let me go and faced him. Mom said calmly, "Honey, please don't be hard on her! She was lost out there, all alone and-" Mom stopped and gasped as she look at my legs. She quickly ran to me and asked, "Honey, what happened?! Did a something or someone attacked you?!" I nod and she held me tighter and Dad just crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. Anger went through my veins. I wanted to say something in anger to him, but I bit back the response and buried my head in mom's shoulder. Mom asked again, "What attacked you out there?" I replied, "I don't remember." Mom was about to say something but dad interrupted, "Great, first my daughter goes missing and then she comes home and gets bruises and scars and says she doesn't remember what attacked her." Dad sounded bored than worried. I know he doesn't care about me. Mom got up and snapped at him, "Your child was lost out there and yet here you are, drinking and watching television while our kid is out there all alone and scared!! You should be ashamed of yourse-" She was cut off by Dad smacking her in the face! Dad snapped at her, "Don't talk to me like that! You should be ashamed of yourself! You let her get away and got lost!! You forgotten your manners, lady!" He smirked as he grabbed a belt and then he said, "You and (Y/N) must be taught a lesson!" But instead of hitting my mom, he hit me instead. I cried as I fell on the ground. He said to me, "You are a bad girl! You live under my roof, you live under my rules!! You should've known that, so I'll make you know that!" He kept hitting me and shut my eyes, I imagined Angor with me, hugging and comforting me, hushing me and saying that he is here and it's ok. I heard mom's voice saying stop, but dad pushed her back and kept hitting me. Then the pain stopped and I heard gasping. I soon strated to black out and the last thing I heard is gasping and a demonic voice saying something.

*Angor's POV* 

As I was done crushing the pixie, I cursed quietly at the dead pixie in troll and set off to see (Y/N) As I got there, I putted down my pixie holder and went to the nest. I smiled and said softly, "(Y/N)? It's time to wake up." I pulled the blanket up and I saw that she was gone!! I gasped as I saw the empty nest. I wondered, where is she and without me, she would get hurt by other trolls or worse! I quickly grabbed my knife and set off to find my lost angel. I followed her scent and trail to find her. Once I caught up with her trail, I found her at a humans hut. I was about to jump off the tree and suprise her, but a another female fleshbag came out of the hut and hugged her tight. I smiled as I looked at the two humans hugging each other. That must be her mother, I thought. Then I saw a male fleshbag in the door way with anger and boredom in his eyes. Why isn't he coming to hug his child?, I thought again. The male said something and the adult female came to him and snapped something at him, then he smacked her across the face. I gasped quietly and my eyes were wide with shock. That male said something and smirked. Then he came with a objects that looks like what humans would call it, "a belt." He said something else and instead of hitting the mother, he started hitting (Y/N)!! My beloved angel cried in pain as he did. He kept doing it and I felt anger coursing through my veins. Then I jumped out of the tree and started to chock the male. He looked at me with shock and horror and asked, "What are you?" I smirked then replied, "I. Am. Your. Worst. Nightmare!!" He gasped and dropped him and yelled, "How dare you attack your own daughter?!!" This time, I didn't have a smile. I was angry. I put my foot on his chest and the human said, "I'm going to kill you, you son of a-" I cut him off by clawing his cheek. I looked at (Y/N)'s mother and I motioned her to go inside and get what humans call, "911." She understood and went instead. I lifted my foot off the male and knocked him out. I then looked at (Y/N) and saw she wasn't awake! I ran to her and putted her weak body close to me. Tears fell down my cheeks and yelled, "NO!! (Y/N)!! COME BACK!!! PLEASE!!!" Then her mother came outside and gasped and ran to us. I gave her her child and she started to cry. I kept crying. Then I felt a hand on my hand and looked to see that the mother was smiling and whispered, "Thank you." I nodded and then (Y/N) was breathing! Her mother gave her child a hug and she gave me her. I hugged her tighter than ever. (Y/N) asked, "Mom? Angor? What are you doing here?" I putted my finger on her lips. "Shh" I hushed. "Save your strength and words for later." She closed her eyes and buried her head in my chest. I smiled and then her mother said, "The police are coming. Angor is it?" I nodded and then she said once more, "You may stay with us. My daughter could use a protecter and a friend." I gasped softly as she said that. I could have a family! I could share my life with (Y/N) once I get my ring. I heard noises in the distance and her mother motioned me to get in the house. I nodded and ran inside. I saw as men carried my angel into a contraption and arrested her father for being abusive. I smirked as they arrested her father. But I stopped as I looked as they carried (Y/N) away, along with her mother. They were gone and I sighed. Then I found a bed and lay on it to rest. Then I closed my eyes and hoping that (Y/N) will be okay.

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