linhardt (pre time skip) | a date for tomorrow

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"Are you sure it's alright for me to stay, Tomas?" I asked the elderly librarian as he finished putting up the last of the stray books.

Sparring me a glance, the older gentleman chuckled before absentmindedly waving me off. "Go continue your research Professor. I'll leave the keys in your care. I trust you'll remember to lock up before leaving, unlike most of the students here."

Smiling, I thanked him as I made my way back over to one of the tables I had more or less claimed as my own a couple of hours ago. And, just as he said, Tomas soon left the library in my care and headed off to return to his own quarters for the night.

Placing the library's key down onto the table, I flipped to the next page in one of the many books I had lying about. This one in particular is about the teachings of Seiros. Seteth had said that it might be easier for me to understand the students if I was more familiar with religious texts. Though that's far easier said than done when looking at this behemoth of a book just talking about one aspect to the scriptures all pertaining to this and that and really, it's quite hard to keep track of it all.

I exhaled a soft sigh, flipping to the next page and skimming over its contents. Still more paragraphs all examining different passages of old texts that I can only somewhat grasp. Having not grown up praying to the goddess, I have to admit that all of this just sounds rather outlandish to an extent. But, considering I am working in a monastery of all places, it's best I at least try to make an effort to not totally ruin my standing with the Church of Seiros.

"Oh, Professor? I wasn't expecting to find you up this late into the night."

Glancing up at the familiar voice, I offered the young man a smile. "I could say the same to you, Linhardt."

"Mind if I take a seat?" He asked, already moving to do just that before I could so much as respond. "What's this you're reading? Old scripture analyses? Let me guess, Seteth put you up to this?" Linhardt then asked with just a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

I couldn't help but laugh. "You got me. All of this was his idea since I asked him what he'd recommend I do to get closer to all of my students." I admitted, glancing back down to my book and flipping to the next page. "Then again, knowing everything about the goddess isn't exactly going to help now that I think about it..."

"Depends on who you're trying to befriend, Professor. Me personally, Seiros isn't the way to get me to talk." Linhardt said as he opened his own book across from where I have mine, his far thicker and looking old and worn, almost as if he's read through it countless times before. "Now Crests? That's where my interest lies."

Looking to the usually fatigued boy, I curiously leaned over to get a better look at his book. A large diagram depicting the Crest of Gautier was placed at the very top of the page along with a lengthy paragraph giving the history of the Crests relevance in Fódlan just below it. "Really, Crests? I'm still not sure I can confidently say I understand why everyone is so obsessed with them." I murmured.

"Last I saw, you have a Crest. Doesn't the topic interest you at least a little bit?" Linhardt then asked as his light navy colored eyes met my own.

Shrugging, I flipped to the next page in my book, not reading a single word now. "Not particularly. I fight, and I win."

"Your Crest is a big part of your strength."

"Even without my Crest I could still cut down any who pose a threat."

"That may be true..." Linhardt's voice trailed off as he continued to stare at me.

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