Middle School Rerationships

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Hello welcome back to the Not So Late Late Show! I am your host Kara!!!!!! Today if you like hearing peoples un-asked for opinions your in for a treat today!

Ok so *sits in chair* let's start off with something simple. *claps hands* I'm in this play and- actually I'm not sharing that yet it won't make sense... Moving on. Well first I would like to make a discalmer everything I say is MY OPINION. So you can come at me for whatever I say but don't expect me to care. *clears throat* drumroll please *drumroll* *drumroll stops abruptly* I think middle school dating is pointless and over rated! (I keep getting distracting by the crazy loud sirens outside can some not have a heart attack while I'm working??) Back to the topic! And no I'm not saying it cuz I'm salty and single, I've actually been asked out once. I rejected them without really rejecting them. It's pointless because they only last, like what? A month mayybeee two if your lucky. The longest middle relationship I have every heard of is 3 yrs and they are still together. So round of applause  for them *studio claps*. Not to mention it's a big waste of time/energy. Only because in middle school people date for a week put all their energy into it then have a break up everyone talks about then moves on to the next person! UGH IM GETTING ANGRY!!!!  *sigh* I can't go on *dramatic hand flops over forehead* just *sigh* comment your opinions and we can discuss. Remember to toon in next tine to the Not So Late Late Show With Kara!

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