Chapter 1: It Started in The Stars

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        It was Thursday. I was only 6, the Doctor was 9. Our parents were off to speak to Lord President. They always speak to Lord President once a week to talk about me and the Doctors safety. To me and The Doctor think it's ridiculous, but they ignore our childish protest. They dropped us off at our grandparents house as they waved goodbye like they would never see us again. I waved back as The Doctor was kneeling on the ground staring at red-orange grass hunting for little creatures. "We are the same, other creatures have feelings, like us. We have lives, they have lives, we all have some thing to live for." he said. Doctor was always protesting for other creatures lives. I sighed as our parents walked away. I sat in the grass making sure that he wasn't paying attention to me. I thought he would yell at me "What if there was a baby bird there!?1?!". I heard a sublte squeak. It was the door of our grandparents house opening, to let them through to hug us to death "Auth, HIDE!" Doctor said as our grandparents ran to us, arms opened wide" I jumped into the auburn bushes as The Doctor nearly had his breath squeazed out of his little body. They questioned where I was. Ha, as always, he stammered as he put as much effort as he can into the lie of where I was. They walked into the house as I jumped out of the bushes with leaves in my light brown hair.

        Me and Doctor laughed as I was picking the leaves out of my hair. I heard a weirdly faint WhooshWhooshsound. I thought it was the pipes, so I ignored it. We ran to the back yard and carfully opened the back door to the house so our grandparents couldn't see us. I saw grandma sitting down on her old rocking chair as she knitted another ichy robe she expects us to wear. i was suprised she didn't notice Doctor wearing his golden and maroon colored robe she made for him last Thanksgiving (when he cried as they brought out the turkey. He controled the tears better than last time). We snuck past her and our grandpa was reading a Time-Lord book about parenting or something like that. At the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a guy with a weird red hat and a bow tie outside the window. I think I've been reading too many adventure books again. We walked up the squeaky stairs, into our guest bedrooms. I walked into my incredibly disqustingly pink room. I took out a book I've been hiding in my robe and placed on my dresser. When I placed it on, I felt some thing, an uncrumpled piece of paper. I grabbed it and it was folded covering the message. All it showed was a sentence that said "Never show this to any one. It will be the end" I toke the letter and put it in my pocket so that I could read it later. "Hey Auth, come here" Doctor said as he poked his head into my room. i walked up to him and gave him a little weak punch in the stomach. "Geez, Authie" He said as he gave a little smile at me. He gave a tug at my deep blue-voilet shirt and signaling me to go. I walked out of my room.

        As we went downstairs I heard footsteps outside. The sound faded away but then, following that noise, was the same thing I heard before. Whoosh whoosh."Did you hear that?" I asked with a tone of curiosity and worry. "It's probably the pipes" Doctor says. "This house is ancient, literally!" I sighed and countinued down the stairs. We saw that both our grandparents were still sleeping. "It's so stuffy in here, I'm gonna go outside" I said as I was opening the back door. Doctor sighed, "OK, but be back here soon. There is nothing to do here but sit down and read old books, like 'The History Of Cheese' or something like that." I giggled at the made up book name as I rolled my eyes. I stepped outside, breathing in the fresh air. I picked up one of the golden colored rocks, and I started to examine it. I sat down on the grass, this time not being careful of my surroundings or whatever creature was on the ground. A few minutes after, I walked over to our rose/daisy hybrid bush with orange leaves. I hid behind it, with my back upon the house. I closed my eyes, taking a rest from being with my brother all day. A few minutes later, I heard the faint sound of an explosion. It didn't bother me. I've been hearing it ever since my parents have been speaking to Lord President about our safety. I took my mind of the sound and rested back. There then were foot steps, footsteps, that got louder and louder every second I opened my eyes to see a man in a tweed jacket, with a piece of cloth. He held it to my face and the world went dark.

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