Chapter 1: The Chosen

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Everyone took a sit in the big courtroom,which could hold up to one thousand and six hundred persons. The others had to watch the announcement on the big screens in the far west alley, the South alley and east alley.

My family was lucky we caught a sit in the eighteenth row. My family wasn't  that big though. It was just my dad , my mom and my little sister Lily-ann but perferred I calling her Lily. She was twelve and half her birthday would come in about two months.

You might be asking why we are all watching this announcement? The answer is because  today they will be announcing the twenty-five chosens! Or so they say. It becomes exciting everytime because it only happens once every six years and you don't  know when you will be chosen.

"Good afternoon underground citizens. It has once more came the time for the next twenty-five persons to be chosen," Mrs Willow greeted us with a slight smile. "Has you all know this opportunity comes rarely and only the lucky ones will be chosen." She took a breath then continued." If you do get chosen please see it more than luck because  it is a blessing that you have a chance to see the light again.Blah Blah Blah...I will just get to the point.So the chosens  for this  year are:..." She trailed off. I quickly grabbed Lilly's hand and my mom's while my sister held our father's hand and mine. "I then whispered  if you get chosen please remember me," to Lily. She nod then smiled."I will."

Our parents both came us a genuine smile then we turned our attention  back to Mrs Willow. "The Johnson's triple Jamie, Jeremy and Juile-ann, Violet flame,  Micka Parkerson, Kaleb Sparking, Dontae Gordon, Lui-an Cheng, Marcus Dove, Lily-ann Sliver, Lima Sui, Yuo Chuong," She paused then took another list. I could see a few families rejoicing  including mine when we heard the names. I was so happy for my little sister.

We all stopped when she started calling out the next list." Jimmy Carter,  Logan Spike, Sunhi Goyi, Annabelle Rose,  Robert Downey,  Mark Stein, Dollia Brooks, Fredicka Styler, Elsa Brooklyn, Zoey Scott, Zedd Gayle, Ski Blue and Lydia Sliver. These are the chosen please meet me in the great hall  5pm sharp with all you the things you need which should not be more than a suitcase of a few stuffs."   

My face brighten  up. My sister and I were both chosen.  Everyone began to cheer as Mrs Willow exited the Building. Lily and I quickly got up and squealed. "Lydia , we were both chosen. " She giggled. "I know right," I said with a giggled. We both turned to face our parents. They looked so happy and proud of us. My mom even began to cry. "What's  wrong," Lily asked with concern. "These are tears of joy," my replied  has they she hugged us.

Sorry if you see errors. I AM trying to improve  my writing skills. Please help me highlight my mistakes. I will update as much as possible  on this my new account...Please vote

New chapter coming soon.I will upgrade at least twice a month..okay?

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