(8) Butterflies

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In all honestly I have no idea what newsboys do, all I know is that they yell and sell newspapers. So I had no idea where to go. I start to wander around the streets, people were everywhere going places; opening up stores, walking with their friends or going to school. It pained me to see other kids going to school when I should be one of them. I could smell fresh bread being baked from a bakery. Which reminded me how hungry I was. But again, I have no money or anything, just the clothes on me right now. I sigh and continue walking around.

 I reach the end of the street and see a group of people around a church. The church was a beautiful light blue: with stained glass windows, and there was a bell at the top of its roof. As I inched myself closer to the group, I saw what looked like newsboys. That was... way to easy finding them. But at least I didn't have to spend to much time finding them. I hear a voice speaking to the newsies.

"Remember children. Jesus loves you, and he will always be there in your times of need. If you believe in him then you gain the best gift of all. A life with him, forever."

As I got even closer to the group, I saw that the person speaking was a nun; she was speaking in   a scottish accent, and she was holding a bible at her chest with a cover that was falling apart. It was nice to hear someone preaching again, it reminded me of back home. It made me feel a little more hopeful and less nervous. But also sad again. After reading some of the bible she closed it, she walked inside the church, the newsboys stayed in place, mumbling to each other. After a few moments, the nun comes out with two other nuns, holding a basket full of bread. They start to sing a hymn.

As the nuns sang, she started to pass doughnuts from the basket, seeing just those sugary doughnuts made my mouth water. The other two nuns started to passed cups around, newsies break a doughnut in half, and passed a half to someone. Someone taped my shoulder, I turn around and see  a boy who looks about my age: dark brown hair, thick eyebrows, and tanned skin. I take the half of bread and mumble, trying to do a New York accent. "T-thanks." I quickly eat the doughnut. I was still hungry. But at least I had something. Someone passes a cup to me. I drink whatever was in the cup, it tasted like coffee. I never had coffee before and I never want to again. It tasted bitter and I wanted to spit it out. But that would be rude. The nuns stop singing, the scottish one asks. "You know we have been waiting for someone to come inside de church. Are we going to see one of you soon?" She looks over the group with her eyebrows raised, some newsies fidget a little bit or look at the ground. "Well sis'a, maybe if Jesus comes and shows his face. Then I will come running inside." The boy who gave me the doughnut answers, the boys laugh at his comment, the nun looks disappointed. She takes the bible, and basket back in the church. The bell of the church rings. The newsboys finish drinking and eating as one of the boys in the group yells. "COME ON BOYS, WE'S GOT TA SELL PAPES." The group starts to walk away from the church. I follow behind them, my stomach full of butterflies.

So far none of the newsboys have really noticed me, and I want to keep it that way. Lots of the newsies are talking about some card game last night and how someone cheated or something. Honestly it's kind of hard to tell what the newsies are talking about half the time, there's so many of them. The group stops at a gate.

I see two men on the other side of the gate, deep in conversation. A newsboy with reddish hair pokes his head between the bars of the gate. "Hey'a Morris, wanna hear a funny joke?" He says to one of the men. The person who he called Morris comes closer to gate, holding keys. "Sure." The newsie smiles and backs away from the gate. "You's life!" The newsboys start to laugh, like it's the most funniest thing ever. Morris face looks like he wants to beat the newsboy up. I start to get more nervous, worrying that a fight is going to start. The other man looks at the newsie and says. "Well at least he won't die in trashcan, unlike you Albert." The newsboys go from laughing to yelling at the brothers very quickly. I start to walk away, maybe being a newsboy was a bad idea. But someone yells something that gets everyone's attention. "GUYS, THEY'S ARE PUTTING UP DA HEADLINE." All the newsboys turn to look at a giant chalkboard, with a man writing something on it. The newsboys wait in silent as the man writes the words out. A boy with a crutch reads it out loud to everyone.

"Would ya look at that! Brearley School burns down. We's are going to make lots today boys."

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