one ㅣ a change

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Passing through the hall, Toby recieved stares from other students.

"He's weird."

"He's kind of creepy."


The boy didn't feel bothered, though. He stepped in his assigned classroom and sat on his usual, lone seat at the very back. Well, used to be lone seat.

Until you, a new student, came into the picture.

The class was taken aback when you sat beside him after your introduction at the front, especially the boy himself. The teacher beamed at that time, thinking someone would finally try to befriend the boy. Settling down on your chair, you ignored the gaping faces and smiled at Toby.

Three months into the school year and you were yet to exchange words to each other. Toby couldn't deny that he got his hopes up in having a friend. He did get a little lonely sometimes.

With his mind clouded with thoughts of you and how you could be friends, he made his way to a table in a corner. Settled down and halfway through his sandwich, he spotted you eating with your group of friends. Munching on his food, he stared at you. Call it creepy, but it's okay. He's used to it.

He didn't expect you to look towards him, though. He turned back to his food, fingers tapping random patterns on the gray table. He hoped you didn't think he was weird.

Who am I kidding? Toby shook his head. Everyone thinks I'm weird.

Toby sighed and looked down at his unfinished sandwich, appetite all gone. He expected you to stop sending him smiles now. Maybe give him scowls instead. Heck, you'd probably switch seats and he'd be alone in the back again.

But yet again, you've managed to surprise him.

Toby's head turned to his right side, seeing you plop down onto the seat next to him. His eyes widened and he watched you for the next few moments, eating so casually as if you didn't just sit with the loner of the class.

"What?" You rose an eyebrow at him. "Am I not welcome here?"

He looked behind him, seeing no one. He looked back at you and pointed at himself.

"Yes, you."

He blinked.

"I can leave if you want," you shrugged, moving to grab your food.

"No! I mean, uh, no. You're very welcome here..." Amused at his panic state, you murmured a quick thanks.

From then on, you always sat next to him during breaks, except for a few times you'd sit with your group of friends. It went on for a week until you've started talking to him while eating. You started hanging out more, walking with him to the cafeteria and greeting each other at the start of class (maybe talking during class when the teacher's not looking, but no one has to know that).

It was Monday morning when you were walking to school with an unpleased look on your face. Five days until the weekends. Arriving at the front of the school, you saw Toby stepping out of a car. Your mood immediately lifted at the sight of your friend.

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